9-A The Perineum Flashcards
Which ligament separates the greater and lesser sciatic foramen?
sacrospinous (deep) and sacrotuberous ligaments
Describe the borders of the pelvic inlet.
pubic symphysis, iliopectineal lines and sacral promontory (the pelvic outlet is bounded by the pubic arch, ischial tuberosities and the coccyx
Name the muscles that make up the pelvic diaphragm.
levitator any , coccyges (keggel exercises) with the arcus tendinous acting as a attachment point
What functions as the floor of the pelvis and the roof of the perineum?
the pelvic diaphragm (resist pelvic organ prolapse and help with fecal continence)
Describe the hole in the pelvic diaphragm that the urethra and possibly the vagina pass through.
Urogential hiatus
What are common birthing techniques that have come to replace the episiotomy?
warm compress during labor, perineal massage
The perineum is slip into two triangles, name them
urogenital triangle (anterior) anal triangle (posterior)
The orientation of the sacrum and which two inlets make delivery more complicated in humans?
pelvic inlet and outlet
Describe the angle between the two perineal triangles viewed from laterally.
approx 120 deg (not a flat structure)
What is the role of the ischioanal fosae?
it includes most of the anal triangle and is fat filled, supporting the pelvic organs and allowing for expansion during the passage of feces (loss during starvation can lead to rectal prolapse
The perineal membrane serves what purpose?
Anchor of erectile tissue which is located superficial to the perineal membrane (**does not attach anteriorly allowing of passage of nerves and vessels to the penis/clitoris)
Which tissue encloses the corpora cavernosa and restricts its expansion, along with restricting drainage of blood through deep dorsal veins?
tunica albugenia
What parts of the penis does the corpus spongiosum form?
the bulb of the penis and the glands, where the urethra travels through
What is the female analogous to the buburethral gland?
the greater vestibular glands which lie poster tot eh vestibular bulbs
Describe the perineal structure that are covered by the ischiocavernosus and the bulbopongiosus.
the crura of the cavernosum and the bulb/spongiosum
What muscles anchor the perineal body?
superficial transverse perineal
What are the purpose of superficial perineal muscles?
restriction of blood during erection and propulsion of sperm during ejaculation
Describe the anatomical position of the penis.
while erect, the anterior portion is ventral and the posterior portion is dorsal
Describe the blood and nerve supply that follow the “simple route” v. the “not so simple route”?
simple route (parasympathetics: S2,3,4 and nervi erigentes, and venous drainage of erectile tissue) not so simple exit through the greater sciatic foramen, enter via the lesser sciatic foramen and travel anteriorly throughout the pudendal canal (sensory, somatomotor, sympathetics: spinal nerves S2,3,4, arterial supply and venous drainage of superficial structures)
Which fibers stimulate smooth and skeletal muscle contraction during ejaculation and orgasm?
sympathetic and somatomotor fibers
Name 3 pairs of arteries and nerves that sere the perineum.
dorsal a and N of the penis/clitoris, the perineal branches a and n. and inferior rectal a. and n.
Dorsal artery and nerve run how in relationship tot eh perineal membrane?
Name the layers of the pelvis and perineum from deep to superficial.
peritoneum, pelvic organs, pelvic diaphragm, urogenital diaphragm, erictile tissue, superficial perineal muscles and skin
Distinguish between male and female erectile tissue.
men have a midline erectile tissue from the bulb to the corpus spongiosum whereas women have a bulb split by the vagina and not contributing to clitoris
Define the contents of the deep perineal space.
potential space between the superior and inferior fascia of the UG diaphragm contains the deep transverse perineum and sphincter urethrae muscles (and bulbourethral gland)
Define the contents of the superficial perineal space.
the area between the inferior fascia of the UG diaphragm and the superficial perineal fascia is called the superficial perineal space containing the muscles and erectile tissue of the external genitalia, bublospongious and ischiocavernosus muscles
Which structures run in the pudendal canal?
the pudendal and pudendal nerve giving rise to the inferior rectal, perineal and dorsal nerve of the penis/clitoris
Describe the main drainage routes for the deep dorsal veins of the clitoris and penis.
drain through the deep dorsal vein to the vesical or prostatic plexus to the internal iliac veins