(9-21) Immunization Flashcards
1. Distinguish between active and passive immunity. 2. Give examples of: ~ naturally acquired active immunity ~ artificially acquired active immunity. 3. Give examples of: ~ naturally acquired passive immunity ~ artificially acquired passive immunity. 4. Define: ~ IgG ~ Vaccine ~ Antiserum ~ Attenuated vaccines ~ Inactivated whole agent vaccines ~ Protein subunit vaccines ~ Conjugate vaccines ~ Inactivated toxins 5. List and describe the major types of vaccines and give one spe
What are 3 first lines of immunological defense?
- Epithelial barrier
- Antimicrobial substances
- Normal flora
What are 5 elements of the second line of immunological defense?
- Fever
- Inflammation
- Phagocytic Cells of the Immune System
~ Neutrophils
~ Monocytes
~ TLR & Complement
Which line of defense is the innate immune system?
Which line of defense is the Adaptive Immune System?
What is naturally acquired immunity?
Acquisition of adaptive immunity through natural events
What is artificially acquired immunity?
Acquisition of adaptive immunity through artificially events
~ ex. Immunization
Which 2 categories can natural or artificial immunity can be divided into?
- Active immunity
2. Passive immunity
What does active immunity result from?
Immune response upon exposure to an antigen
What is Passive Immunity?
Just transferring antibodies.
What type of immunity occurs during pregnancy and nursing?
Natural Passive Immunity
Which antibodies cross the placenta and when?
IgG from mother during pregnancy
Which antibodies transfer naturally during breastfeeding?
IgA antibodies in breast milk given to child
What is artificial passive immunity?
Occurs artificially if serum (containing) antibodies is injected into you
What is an example of artificial passive immunity?
“Antiserum,” ex. snake bite
What is a vaccine?
A preparation of a pathogen or pathogen products used to induce active immunity