8D perception Flashcards
sensory stimuli
raw pieces of information that are detected by the five senses
process of receiving and detecting raw sensory stimuli via sensory organs and sending this information to the brain
- reception
process b the eye receive incomign light from external environment
— focuses it onto the retina when an image of the visual stimulus is captured
- transduction
process by the photo receptors (rods and cones) change electromagnetic energy (light) into electrical impulses (signals) which can travel along the optic nerve to the brain
- transmission
sending information in form of electrical impulses along the optic nerve to the brain
process of selecting, organising and interpreting sensory information
- selection
attending to certain sensory stimuli or features of certain stimuli and excluding others
- organisation
assembling and arranging the features of visual images in a meaningful way
- interpretation
the process of assigning meaning to visual information so that what is being looked at ca be understood
visual sensory system
network that is involved in the sensation and perception of visual stimuli
(eyes, brain and neural pathways connecting them - optic nerve)
visual perception
process of becoming consciously aware of visual stimuli as a result of the interactions between the visual sensory system and the individuals internal and external environments
the process of becoming consciously aware of flavour
- sweet, bitter, umami, sour, salty
gustatory receptors
sensory receptors for taste
taste buds
clusters of gustatory receptors
- tastetants
Primary gustatory cortex
sensory area in the parietal lobe responsible for receiving and processing tastes