7D Empowering individual decision-making Flashcards
being free from the control or influence of others
engaging in behaviours without the infleunce of other people as an external force
self determination theory
concept that people achieve self-determination when three basic psychological needs are met:
- autonomy, competence, relatedness
need to be able to act authenticaly based on choice and intrinsic motivation
- increasing independence
need to feel as though you have the skills, required to meaningfully carry out behaviours that affect your environment
- belief in yourself to do something
- increases independence
- develop valuable skills
need to feel a sense of attachment, connection to and belonging with others
- seek relationships with supportive peers, feeling like you belong
- increases INDEPENDENCE
extrinsic motivation
engaging in activities or behaviours for their internal benefits
intrinsic motivation
engaging in activities or behaviours for their internal benefits
adjusting one’s thoughts, feelongs or behaviours to match those of others, a social group or social situation
- weakened by individuation and ally effect
anti conformity
deliberate refusal to comply with social norms or standards for thoughts, feelings or behaviours
- deliberate
desire to promote change, reactance, individuation, and social support
motivational stress of distress and resistance caused by desire to regain personal freedom after it ahs been removed or threatened by external sources
- restricted to what they have to do, likely to do the opposite
individual’s identity and contribution to a group is noticeable
social support
when others hold a similar attitude or perspective to an individual
deviant subgroups
groups that hold values and norms that exist outside the dominant social norms in society