85b - Neurological Diseases in Women Flashcards
Which hormonal fluctuations are likely to affect seizure frequency in women with epilepsy?
More estrogen + less progesterone -> more seizures
(Increased estrogen:progesterone ratio)
An abrupt drop in estorgen levels may trigger…
- Epileptic seizures
- MS flares
- Menstrually related migraines
Menstrually related migraines
- Rapid withdrawal of estrogen may trigger migraine
- May happen just before menstrual period, postpartum, or perimenopause
How do sex hormones influence the course of MS?
Estrogen (E2) -> Th1 phenotype -> Inflammatory -> MS predisposition
Note: E3 estrogen released in pregnancy leads to Th2 phenotype, MS remission

How does progesterone influence epilepsy?
Progesterone increases seizure threshold
- Potentiates GABA
- -> Increased general inhibition

What happens to migraine in pregnancy?
- Migraines unusual in 1st and 2nd trimester
- Estrogen slowly increasing
- Increase during 3rd trimester, postpartum
- Rapid withdrawal of estrogen
Valproic acid should be avoided in which population
Women of childbearing age
Find soemthing else to treat migraine or epilepsy in anyone who might have a child!!
Which AED is most affected by changes in drug metabolism during pregnancy?
- Glucuronidation is facilitated by estrogen
- -> Faster drug metabolism during pregnancy
Rapid withdrawal of which hormone is might trigger a migraine in a suceptible individual?
If a patient with MS needs a disease-modifying agent during pregnancy, which one should you use?
Glatimer acetate
BUT, avoid DMAs in pregnancy if possible; MS flares are liekly to decrease due to increased E3 estrogen
If a patient is having higher estrogen and lower progesterone, are they more or less likely to have seizures?
More likely
(More estrogen + less progesterone -> more seizures)
- Estrogen (E2) -> more seizures
- Progesterone -> fewer seizures
How does pregnancy affect MS?
Women with MS are likely to remit during pregnancy
- E3 estrogen released in pregnancy
- -> Th2 phenotype (less inflammatory, increased immune tolerance)
- Fewer MS flares

What is the best mode of contraception for a young woman with migrain with aura?
(In general, seems like the best option for all people discussed in this lecture)
- Combined oral contraceptive pills and migraine with aura both increase risk of stroke; together, result in 7x increased risk
What happens to migraine frequency during menopause?
- More migraines during menopause as estrogen levels rapidly fall
- Much lower frequency of migraines after menopause
- Estrogen is lower, but at a steady state
Many AEDs are enzyme inducers - what are the implications for patients taking oral contraceptive pills?
Less bioavailability of OCPs
Notably, OCPs also decrease bioavailability of lamotrigine
- Recommend IUD, depo-provera, or condoms
Which hormone is associated with decreased MS flares during pregnancy?
Estriol (E3)
Most acitve during 3rd trimester
How does seizure frequency change during pregnancy?
Post-partum period?
- Stays the same in pregnancy
- Increases post-partum
Which agents are used for abortive migraine management during pregnancy?
- 1st line
- Non-pharmacologic (cold compress)
- Acetaminophin
- 2nd line
- NSAID - 1st and 2nd trimester only!!
- Metoclopramide
- 3rd line
- Sumatriptan (1st line when not pregnant!)
What agents are used for prophylactic migraine treatment in pregnancy?
Usually not indicated during pregnacy - migraine frequencey decreases due to steadily inreasing estogen
If anything, use:
- 1st line: Mg
- 2nd line: Metoprolol, propranolol
- Stop a few days before delivery
- 3rd line: verapamil, TCAs, SSRI, SNRI
How does estrogen (E2) influence epilepsy?
Estrogen (E2) lowers the seizure threshold
- Potentiates Glutamate
- -> Excitation
- Inhibits GABA
- -> Decreased inhibiton

Which anti-seizure drug carries the highest risk of major congenital malformation?
Valproic acid
Also associated with lower IQ, increased risk of Autism
Better option = Lamotrigine
Which medication for MS takes up to 2 years to wash out and is FDA pregnancy class X?
- Persists in sperm too!