8. NAVEDTRA 12012 Harmony (CH 1-18) Flashcards
Vertical combinations of musical tones and their succession is the study of what?
The structure and relationship between horizontal combinations of musical tones and their succession is the study of what?
Harmonic progression establishes tonality how?
Melodic progressions establish tonality how?
When successions center on a key it’s called this.
Primary Tones are also known as what?
“Tonal Notes”
What scale degrees are the primary tones in a key?
1, 4, 5
Secondary tones are also known as what?
“Modal Notes”
What scale degrees are the secondary tones in a key?
3, 6, 7
Why is Supertonic not classified as Primary or Secondary?
Tendency to be Secondary, however, it can have the effect of a Primary
Primary and secondary triads are based on what?
Primary and Secondary tones (P: I, IV, V & S: iii, vi, Viio)
What is the range of a Soprano voice?
c1 - a2
What is the range of a Alto voice?
small g - d2
What is the range of a Tenor voice?
small c - a1
What is the range of a Bass voice?
Great F - d1
What are the 2 types of melodic motion?
Conjunct & Disjunct
Step-wise motion defines…..
Leap-wise motion defines…
The most frequent motion following Disjunct motion greater than a 5th is what?
Conjunct in the opposite direction
T/F: Melodies containing 2 consecutive moves in the same direction forming a compound interval are preferred.
FALSE - It is FORBIDDEN (cue sinister laugh)
T/F: It is rare for a melody to have 2 or 3 consecutive moves in the same direction forming an octave or greater.
What is the normal/max range of a melody?
One octave
These 3 intervals are FORBIDDEN in melody writing.
Augmented, Compound, & Major 7ths
What melodic movement should follow a minor 7th or a diminished interval?
Conjunct / Opposite
In melody writing, how many tendency tones can you have in a row?
No more than 2
A short musical thought, normally 2-4 measures long
Melodic or Harmonic cessation/caesura accomplishes what?
Another word for REPOSE.
How many phrases form a PERIOD?
Which comes first - Antecedent or Consequent?
Rhythms appear in what order of frequency?
If the interval between SOPRANO & TENOR is a simple interval, this is called…
Close Position
If the interval between SOPRANO & TENOR is a compound interval, this is called…
Open Position
What voices are considered when determining Open or Close position?
Soprano & Tenor
T/F: Compound intervals are allowed between Soprano & Alto, or Alto & Tenor.
FALSE - only Soprano & Tenor OR Bass and all other voices
What is the lowest Bass note for a minor 6th between Bass & Tenor?
Great G
What is the lowest Bass note for a tritone between Bass & Tenor?
Great B
What is the lowest Bass note for a Major/minor 3rd between Bass & Tenor?
small c
What is the lowest Bass note for a Major/minor 2nd between Bass & Tenor?
small e
What are “Lower Interval Limits?”
Limitations on lowest note in Bass when using simple intervals between Bass & Tenor.
Name 2 types of indirect motion.
Contrary & Oblique
Name 2 types of direct motion.
Similar and Parallel
T/F: Indirect motion is typically preferred over Direct motion.
In what voices are Parallel Perfect 4ths acceptable?
Upper 3
What type of parallel motion can destroy the four-part texture?
Octaves, Unisons, P5s, & parallel dissonant intervals (2, 4, 7, Aug, & Dim).
What voices should you check for Hidden P5s or P8s?
Name 4 types of Objectionable Motion.
- Hidden/Covered Unison, P5, P8 (Hidden Unisons are FORBIDDEN)
- Parallels by Contrary Motion (PP5’s & PP8s must not occur)
- Crossed Voices (lower voice has higher pitch than adjacent upper voice)
- Overlapping Voices
What is the primary means of establishing a key?
Movement from V to I
What is the general rule of doubling for four part writing?
Double Tonal Notes (1, 4, 5)
The Major Dominant chord in a minor key is borrowed from where?
Parallel Major (this is what creates the Harmonic minor scale)
Arabic numerals used for figured bass indicate what?
Notes above the bass voice, primarily as simple intervals
Primary triads in root position can be used to form what 3 types of cadences?
What defines an authentic cadence?
Movement of V to I at a cadence point
Name the elements of a Perfect Authentic Cadence.
- Both chords in ROOT position (V-I)
- TONIC in SOPRANO (on I chord)
- Occurs most often as a final cadence*
Name the elements of an Imperfect Authentic Cadence.
-Either chord is INVERTED
-ROOT is not in Soprano (on I chord)
Name the elements of a Perfect Plagal Cadence.
Same as Perfect Authentic, except movement is from IV to I (as opposed to V to I)
Name the elements of an Imperfect Plagal Cadence.
Same as Perfect Authentic, except movement is from IV to I (as opposed to V to I)
This cadence typically follows a final authentic cadence to emphasize finality.
Plagal Cadence
Any chord moving to a Dominant at a cadence point is considered what?
Half Cadence
What is a Plagal Half Cadence?
Any chord moving to IV at a cadence point (IV will be in ROOT position)
What inversion is the Dominant chord in a Half Cadence?
Typically, ROOT position.
What is a Picardy Third?
Major Tonic at an authentic cadence in a minor key (borrowed from its parallel Major)
Primary triads in ROOT position can move to what?
- any chord can follow itself
- I to IV or V
- IV to V or I
- V to I OR V to IV if IV goes immediately back to V
If the ROOT of a chord is in the bass, this is what?
ROOT position
If the THIRD of a chord is in the bass, this is what?
FIRST inversion
If the FIFTH of a chord is in the bass, this is what?
SECOND inversion
What is the figured bass for 1st Inversion with the ROOT doubled?
What is the figured bass for 1st Inversion with the FIFTH doubled?
What is the figured bass for 1st Inversion with the THIRD doubled?
ROOT tripled and FIFTH omitted in a 1st inversion triad would have what figured bass?
6/6/6 (this is evil & rarely used so AVOID)
Primary triads in 1st Inversion move the same as root position. However, one movement in particular is not allowed. It is…
Minor 1st Inv Subdominant (iv6)
Major 1st Inv Dominant (V)
It creates an Aug 2nd in Bass
Using inversions in minor keys creates what?
Phrygian Cadence
This type of Half Cadence has subdominant to dominant voice leading in the Soprano.
Phrygian Cadence (iv6 to V#)
What note is doubled on ALL 2nd Inversions?
2nd Inversion chords are also known as what?
“SIX-FOUR” chords
Figured bass for a 2nd Inversion chord (with 5th doubled) is…
- Most widely used SIX-FOUR
- TONIC to DOMINANT at cadence
- 6th & 4th resolve DOWN by STEP to 5th & 3rd
What are the requirements of be a PASSING SIX-FOUR?
- appears between ROOT position TONIC & some other 1st Inv chord
- appears in a weak rhythmic position
A PEDAL SIX-FOUR is also known as…
A 2nd Inversion chord appearing between 2 of the same chords - both in ROOT position - might indicate what type of SIX-FOUR chord?