6. MCO P5060.20 USMC Drill & Ceremonies Manual (APP D; CH 16, 22, 23, 25) Flashcards
In times past, “Mess Night” served what 3 purposes?
- Home for Bachelor Officers &/or enlisted
- Club for married Marines
- Center of social life on post/station
Where did “Dining-In” come from?
Viking tradition of celebrating great battles & heroic feats
When was first USMC “Mess Night” held?
4 July 1816
Toasts preceded by discharges of artillery was called what?
“Having a shot”
What are the 2 functional officers of the mess?
President & Vice President
Define “Mess Night”
A formal dinner attended by All-Hands
Name the 3 types of guests at a “Mess Night”
- Official
- GoH (Guest of Honor)
- Personal
The mess covers all expenses for which guests?
Official (to include GoH)
What are the traditional courses?
- Appetizer
- Soup
- Fish
- Entree
- Salad
- Dessert
When is cocktail hour?
45min prior to start of official dinner
What are the 4 typical seating arrangement layouts?
T, U, E, or multiple line.
Outline a “Mess Night” SOE.
45min - Cocktails
15min - First Call (Bugle or Chimes)
5min - Officers/Mess Call (Bugle)
Official Start
“Sea Soldier” March On (for Mess)
“Semper Fi” (for Head Table)
“RB of Old England” (for beef)
Toasts Foreign Nat'l Anthem(s), if appropriate National Anthem (for POTUS) Anchors (for USN) Foreign Svc songs, if appropriate TAPS (for fallen) Marines Hymn (for USMC)
Where does the most senior honored guest sit in relation to the President?
To his/her right, with next senior on left
What is served for all toasts, except toast to the Corps?
What is served for the toast to the Corps?
Rum Punch (1776 recipe = Rum, lime, maple syrup, grenadine)
When, if ever, is smoking permitted during “Mess Night?”
Only when smoking lamp is lit by order of mess President
If the President raps 3 times on the table with the gavel, this means…
Attention (to president)
What does the President do to signal folks to take seats?
Raps gavel 1 time
What are the 4 classes of toasts?
- Protocol
- Official
- Traditional
- Personal
What’s the difference between “Mess Night” and a “Dining-Out?”
Spouses & dates are invited to a Dining-Out
On what occasions is a REVIEW held?
- Upon presentation of U.S. or foreign decorations
- Decoration of organizational colors
- Retirement of individual or group (any rank)
What are the elements of a REVIEW?
F-P(I)-D-M: Formation of Troops Presentation of Command (can include Inspection) Decorations / Retirements March in Review
What elements of a Parade are NOT included in a REVIEW?
NO - Sound Off, Manual of Arms, Receiving Report, or Officer’s Center
What is the order of the formation of troops?
I-A-T-MS: Infantry Artillery Tanks Motorized/Service
If reviewing Officer is in a vehicle, where does he/she sit?
In rear left (for unobstructed view of troops as the vehicle passes)
How many times is “Attention” sounded at the Birthday Cake cutting ceremony?
5 times
What follows each “Attention”
ATTENTION - Officer's Call ATTENTION - Adjutant's Call ATTENTION - Honors, CO & GoH ATTENTION - Color Guard / Anthem ATTENTION - Marine's Hymn / Birthday Cake
Outline musical elements of the Birthday Cake cutting ceremony.
5min - Attention / Officer's Call START: Attention / Adjutant's Call "French Foreign Legion" (Drums/Trpts) Semper FI (Escorts march in) Attention / Honors, CO, & GoH Attention / Colors & Anthem Attention / Marines Hymn & Cake
SPEECHES / Cake cut / Oldest & Youngest Marines
Semper Fi (Escorts exit) Anchors / Marines Hymn
Funeral escorts are brought to “Present Arms,” band renders honors & appropriate music, pallbearers and all uniformed observers salute every time this happens.
Each time body bearers move the remains.
How is the flag placed on the coffin?
With Stars at head, as if draped over left shoulder of deceased.
How is the casket carried for a Chaplain or clergy?
Head first. All others are carried feet first.
Who is responsible for calling all commands at the funeral?
Senior pallbearer
Where is the mourning knot worn?
On the hilt of the sword (which is only worn outside chapel/church)
If the band is playing a hymn and it becomes necessary to stop, when should the conductor stop the band?
At the end of the current/next stanza.
What sleeve is the mourning band worn on?
Left (Worn by Uniformed Officer in Official capacity)
Who determines the position of the band/bugler/rifle team at the cemetery?
The Officer in Charge of the service
Who presents the folded Ensign to the next of kin (typically mother or spouse).
The Officer in Charge of the service
At the grave, the band forms in line with who & on what side?
The escort; to the right
How far should the line be from the grave & why?
At least 50 feet so volleys will not disturb the mourners.
At the grave, this group forms between the hearse/caisson & the grave.
The clergy
Where is the flag bearer during the service?
At the head of the grave
Whats the position of the bugler when playing Taps?
AT the head of the grave
When does the bugler take position?
On the escort commander’s order to “Present Arms”
An Honor Guard for Full Honors & Honors is different how?
Full Honors requires a Squad Leader and a Squad.
What’s the minimum requirement for a funeral when personnel are limited?
9: 8 Marines & 1 Bugler
What are the elements of an out-of-doors-memorial service?
Final Roll Call
Boots & Rifle Ceremony
Firing Detail
How many members of the Boots & Rifle detail?
3: 1 w/Rifle, 1 w/boots, 1 w/helmet
What is done when there is no Chaplain for an out-of-doors memorial service?
The Company’s XO or Gunnery Sergeant reads “The Marine’s Prayer”
Who reads the “Final Roll Call?”
First Sergeant