8 - ILD Flashcards
which gender tends to get more ILD in general?
sx of ILDs
progressive dyspnea
dry cough
+/- wt loss
PFT findings in ILDs
restrictive pattern
TLC reduction if severe
DLCO reduced
connective tisue disease related ILD is in what category?
idiopathic pulm fibrosis - demo, imaging, name of path process, general prog
old guys
reticular infiltrates, lower lobe mostly, subpleural, honeycombing in late stages
path = usual interstitial PNA
rapidly progressive, poor outcomes, death in ~2yrs
Hamman Rich Syndrome
acute interstitial PNA > diffuse alveolar damage like an idiopathic ARDS
rare, but usually fulminant
tx for idiopathic pulm fibrosis
supportive, only definitive tx is lung transplant
nonspecific interstitial PNA - demo, imaging
middle aged smokers
diffuse ground glass infiltrates
connective tissue dz (2) most commonly linked to ILD
MC pulm manifestation of SLE
pleuritis/pleural effusion
asbestosis - imaging
irregular opacities in primarily lower lobes, may have pleural plaques/thickening
silicosis - imaging
most in upper lobe/apex, hilar adenopathy (eggshell calcifications
complication of silicosis
inc risk for TB
sarcoidosis - demo, imaging
female, black, <40 yo
most common to have just LN enlargement, also get diffuse parenchymal lesions
how pts w/ sarcoidosis often present
asymptomatic w/ abnl CXR (screening, taken for work, etc)
outcomes of sarcoidosis
1/3 spontaneous remission in 3 yrs
1/3 stable
1/3 progressive
tx for sarcoidosis
hypersensitivity pneumonitis - imaging, tx
diffuse small nodules of ground glass. Acute > upper lobe, chronic > lower lobe
avoidance of causative antigens if possible, corticosteroids may help
cryptogenic organizing PNA - demo, specific sx/presentation, imaging, prognosis
older, no gender pref
sx of malaise, wt loss, myalgia, cough, dyspnea following resp infxn
patchy or diffuse infiltrates. On CT, see airspace ground glass opacities and bronchial wall thickening/dilation
good prognosis - 50% spontaneously remit
tx of cryptogenic organizing PNA