8 - Esodeviations Flashcards
Major types of esodeviation (Ddx)
Chez l’enfant, esodéviation ou exodéviation qui est le plus fréquent? Account pour combien En %?
* The most common type of childhood strabismus
* Accounting for more than 50% of ocular deviations in the pediatric population
Chez l’adulte, esodéviation ou exodéviation qui est le plus fréquent?
In adults, esodeviations and exodeviations are equally prevalent.
Prévalence H versus F de l’ésodéviation
H : F
Prévalence selon ethnicité : African Americans versus White versus Asian?
More common in African Americans and White ethnic groups than in Asian ethnic groups in the United States.
* African Americans + White ethnic groups»_space; Asian ethnic groups
FdR développement ésotropie (x8)
- Anisometropia
- Hyperopia
- Neurodevelopmental impairment
- Prematurity
- Low birth weight
- Craniofacial or chromosomal abnormalities
- Maternal smoking during pregnancy
- Family history of strabismus
Prévalence de l’ésotropie augmente avec … ? (x3)
The prevalence of esotropia increases with
* Age (higher prevalence at 48–72 months compared with 6–11 months)
* Moderate anisometropia
* Moderate hyperopia
% d’enfants qui développent une amblyopie 2nd ésotropie
Amblyopia develops in approximately 50% of children who have esotropia (lorsque non traité j’imagine…)
Causes d’ésodéviation
Esodeviations can result from innervational, anatomical, mechanical, refractive or accommodative factors
Définir Pseudotropie
Pseudoesotropia : appearance of esotropia when the visual axes are in fact aligned
- Less than the expected amount of sclera is seen nasally → creating the impression that the eye is deviated inward
- Especially noticeable when the child gazes to either side → because no real deviation exists
- Results of corneal light reflex testing and cover testing are normal
Causes de Pseudotropie
The appearance may be caused by
* Flat and broad nasal bridge
* Prominent epicanthal folds
* Narrow interpupillary distance
* Negative angle kappa
(Ésotropie infantile)
Définir l’ésotropie infantile
Infantile esotropia is defined as an esotropia that is present by 6 months of age
(Ésotropie infantile)
V ou F, l’ésotropie infantile est congénitale
Some ophthalmologists refer to this disorder as congenital esotropia, although the deviation is usually not manifest at birth.
Donc, parfois appelé ésotropie congénitale mais ce n’est pas manifeste à la naissance.
(Ésotropie infantile)
Qu’est-il fréquent de voir comme ésotropie à 2-3 mois de vie?
Variable, transient, intermittent strabismus is commonly noted in the first 2–3 months of life
Also, it is common to see both intermittent esotropia and exotropia in the same infant (termed ocular instability of infancy). This condition should resolve by 3 months of age but sometimes persists, especially in premature infants.
(Ésotropie infantile)
Chez quelles populations (x2) la prévalence de l’ésotropie infantile est plus élevée?
Infantile esotropia occurs more frequently
* in children born prematurely
* in up to 30% of children with neurologic and developmental problems, including cerebral palsy and hydrocephalus
(Ésotropie infantile)
V ou F, infantile esotropia has been associated with a decreased risk of development of mental illness by early adulthood.
Infantile esotropia has been associated with an increased risk of development of mental illness by early adulthood (2.6 times higher in patients with infantile esotropia than in controls)
(Ésotropie infantile)
Si les yeux sont d’AV similaire, comment est la fixation?
The eyes may have equal vision → in which case alternate fixation or cross- fixation will be present
Qu’est-ce que le cross fixation?
Cross- fixation :
* The use of the adducted eye for fixation of objects in the contralateral visual field
* Associated with large- angle esotropias
(Ésotropie infantile)
Que se produit-il a/n de la fixation lorsque l’enfant a une amblyopie sur son ésotropie infantile?
A fixation preference can be observed (avec le meilleur oeil)
The better- seeing eye will fixate in all fields of gaze, making the amblyopic eye appear to have an abduction deficit
(Ésotropie infantile)
La déviation d’une ésotropie infantile :
* Est-elle davantage comitante ou incomitante?
* < 30 D ou > 30 D ?
The deviation is comitant and characteristically larger than 30D
(Ésotropie infantile)
% de patients développant une surrélévation en ADD chez patient avec ésotropie infantile
Overelevation in adduction and dissociated strabismus complex develop in more than 50% of patients, usually after 1–2 years of age
(Ésotropie infantile)
Comment distinguer un oeil fixateur d’un patient amblyope versus déficit de l’ABD (lors d’une ésotropie infantile)
- The infant’s ability to abduct each eye can be demonstrated with the doll’s head maneuver or by observation after patching either of the patient’s eyes.
- The clinician can also hold the infant and spin in a circle, which stimulates the vestibular- ocular reflex and helps demonstrate full abduction
(Ésotropie infantile)
Jusqu’à quel âge peut-on observer une asymétrie horizontale de la smooth pursuit? Et dans quelle direction est-il la plus développée?
Asymmetry of monocular horizontal smooth pursuit is normal in infants up to age 6 months, with the nasal- to- temporal direction less well developed than the temporal- to- nasal
(Ésotropie infantile)
V ou F : Patients with infantile esotropia have persistent smooth- pursuit asymmetry throughout their lives
Vrai. Patients with infantile esotropia have persistent smooth- pursuit asymmetry throughout their lives
(Ésotropie infantile)
Quel type de nystagmus est souvent associé aux éso infantiles ?
Fusion maldevelopment nystagmus syndrome (also known as latent and manifest latent nystagmus)
(Ésotropie infantile)
À quoi ressemble la réfraction cycloplégique (en dioptries) d’un enfant atteint d’ésotropie infantile?
Cycloplegic refraction characteristically reveals low hyperopia (+1.00 to +2.00 D)
Hyperopia greater than 2.00 D should prompt consideration of spectacle correction; reduction of the strabismic angle with glasses indicates the presence of an accommodative component
(Ésotropie infantile)
Définir le syndrome de Ciancia
A severe form of infantile esotropia, referred to as Ciancia syndrome, consists of
* Large angle esotropia (>50D)
* Abducting nystagmus
* Mild abduction deficits
* Children with this syndrome uniformly use cross- fixation
(Ésotropie infantile)
Laquelle des situations suivantes répond le mieux à un Tx avec correction de l’hypermétropie :
* A small- angle esotropia that is variable in degree or intermittent
* A large-angle or constant esotropia
A small- angle esotropia that is variable in degree or intermittent may be more likely to respond to hyperopic correction than would a large-angle or constant esotropia
(Ésotropie infantile)
V ou F : Concurrent amblyopia should be fully treated before surgery.
Previously, it was thought that concurrent amblyopia should be fully treated before surgery. However, it has recently been shown that successful postoperative alignment is as likely to occur in patients with mild to moderate amblyopia at the time of surgery as it is in those whose amblyopia has been fully treated preoperatively
(Ésotropie infantile)
En plus de prévenir l’amblyopie, quels sont les avantages d’achieved earlier un ocular alignment?
When ocular alignment is achieved earlier, there may be the added benefits of better fusion, stereopsis, and long- term stability
(Ésotropie infantile)
Goal of surgical treatment of infantile esotropia?
The goal of surgical treatment of infantile esotropia is to reduce the deviation to orthotropia or as close to it as possible
(Ésotropie infantile)
Que peut-il se développer lorsque le Tx chirurgical de l’ésotropie infantile résulte en un alignement à 8-10 D de l’orthotropie?
Alignment within 8D–10D of orthotropia frequently results in the development of the monofixation syndrome, characterized by
* Peripheral fusion
* Central suppression
* Favorable appearance
(Ésotropie infantile)
Caractéristiques du monofixation syndrome (that results from alignement within 8-10D of orthotropia after surgery).
Alignment within 8D–10D of orthotropia frequently results in the development of the monofixation syndrome, characterized by
* Peripheral fusion
* Central suppression
* Favorable appearance
(Ésotropie infantile)
V ou F : The child’s psychological and motor development may not improve or even worsen after the eyes are straightened
Faux. The child’s psychological and motor development MAY improve and accelerate after the eyes are straightened
(Ésotropie infantile)
À quel âge (au plus tard) devrait-on opérer un enfant avec ésotropie infantile afin d’optimiser la coopération binoculaire?
The belief is that the eyes should be aligned by 2 years of age, preferably earlier, to optimize binocular cooperation
(Ésotropie infantile)
À partir de quel âge un enfant avec une ésotropie infantile peut-il être opéré?
- The belief is that the eyes should be aligned by 2 years of age, preferably earlier, to optimize binocular cooperation
- Surgery can be performed in healthy children as early as age 4 months
- The Congenital Esotropia Observational Study showed that when patients present with constant esotropia of at least 40D after 10 weeks of age, the deviations are unlikely to resolve spontaneously
(Ésotropie infantile)
Résultat de l’étude The Congenital Esotropia Observational Study
The Congenital Esotropia Observational Study showed that when patients present with constant esotropia of at least 40D after 10 weeks of age, the deviations are unlikely to resolve spontaneously
(Ésotropie infantile)
V ou F : Ocular alignment is always achieved without surgery in early- onset esotropia.
Faux. Ocular alignment is rarely achieved without surgery in early- onset esotropia
(Ésotropie infantile)
Dans quel contexte l’ésotropie infantile peut-elle seulement être observée dans un premier temps vs opéré directement (étant donnée une possible résolution spontanée)? Basé sur quelle étude ?
Smalle angles (= < 40D après 10 semaines d’âge) can be monitored, as they may improve spontaneously
The Congenital Esotropia Observational Study
(Ésotropie infantile)
Types de chirurgie suggérés pour l’ésotropie infantile
Two-surgery muscle :
* The most commonly performed initial procedure is recession of both medial rectus muscles
* Recession of a medial rectus muscle combined with resection of the ipsilateral lateral rectus muscle is also effective
Two-muscle surgery spares the other horizontal rectus muscles for subsequent surgery should it be necessary, which is not uncommon.
For infants with large deviations (typically >60D), some surgeons operate on 3 or even 4 horizontal rectus muscles at the time of the initial surgery, or they add botulinum toxin injection to the medial rectus muscle recession.
Significant inferior oblique muscle overaction can be treated at the time of the initial surgery.
Injection of botulinum toxin to the medial rectus muscles has also been used as primary treatment of infantile esotropia.
(Ésotropie infantile)
À partir de quelle déviation on considère opéré plus de 2 muscles en même temps ?
For infants with large deviations (typically >60D), some surgeons operate on 3 or even 4 horizontal rectus muscles at the time of the initial surgery, or they add botulinum toxin injection to the medial rectus muscle recession.