4 - Physiologie motrice Flashcards
Expliquer la loi de Sherrington dans l’innervation musculaire et donner un exemple
Augmentation de l’innervation d’un MEO = diminution réciproque de l’innervation de son antagoniste
Ex : abduction de l’oeil droit = augmentation de l’innervation du droit latéral et diminution innervation du droit médial
Quelles sont les actions primaires, secondaires et tertiaires des muscles droits sup/inf et oblique sup/inf
Droit sup : élévation, intorsion, adduction
Droit inf : dépression, extorsion, adduction
Oblique sup : intorsion, dépression, abduction
Oblique inf : extorsion, élévation, abduction
Comment on positionne l’oeil du patient pour obtenir un mouvement de dépression pur ?
23° en abduction (angle origine-insertion du droit inf = 23°)
Comment on positionne l’oeil du patient pour obtenir un mouvement de torsion pur ?
Abduction de 39° (angle origine-insertion des muscles obliques = 51°)
Positionné à 51° d’adduction, on obtient une action principale verticale
Qu’est-ce que la loi de Hering ?
When the eyes move into a gaze direction, there is a simultaneous and equal increase in innervation to the yoke muscles for that direction
The amount of innervation supplied to both eyes is always determind by the fixating eye -> c’est pourquoi l’angle de déviation varie selon quel oeil fixe (dominant vs dévié)
Déviation primaire : déviation quand l’oeil sain fixe
Déviation secondaire : déviation quand l’oeil affecté fixe (plus grande)
Un ratio AC/A élevé tend à produire quelle déviation ? Et un ratio AC/A diminué ?
Élevé : ésotropie à la fixation de près
Diminué : Moins d’éso vs exotropie à la fixation de près
Quelles sont les amplitudes de vergence normales ? (convergence, divergence, vergence vertical, cyclovergence)
Convergence : 15-20 Δ distance / 25 Δ near
Divergence : 6-10 Δ distance / 12-14 Δ near
Vertical : 2-3 Δ
Cyclovergence : 8°
Vitesse maximale de mouvements des yeux lors de saccades ? Lors de la poursuite ?
saccades : 400-500° par seconde
Mvt de poursuite : 30-60° par seconde
Pourquoi faut il prendre la mesure de déviation en strabisme alors que le pt est éveillé vs endormit en SOP ?
Convergence tonique : Because of the anatomical shape of the bony orbits and the position of the rectus muscle origins, the position of the eyes during complete muscle paralysis is divergent -> there is a constant innervational tone to the rectus medial when a person is awake that is called tonic convergence
(Ocular Rotations)
Définir la loi de Donder?
Ocular rotations are clinically considered as
* Horizontal rotations about a vertical axis, corresponding to medial and lateral gaze;
* Vertical rotations about a horizontal axis, corresponding to upward and downward gaze;
* Torsional rotations about the line of sight.
If a change in gaze position is broken down into a series of separate rotations about the horizontal and vertical axes, the final torsion of the eye for a given gaze direction could theoretically vary, depending on the sequence in which the rotations are applied.
In practice, the final torsion of the eye is always the same for a given gaze direction, regardless of the sequence by which it arrives there (Donder’s law).
(Ocular Rotations)
Définir la loi de Listing?
Listing’s law specifies this relationship by stipulating that the orientation in a given gaze position is equivalent to that which would result from a single rotation around an axis lying in Listing’s plane.
Donder’s law : the final torsion of the eye is always the same for a given gaze direction, regardless of the sequence by which it arrives there .
(Positions of Gaze)
Qu’est-ce que le primary position (PP)?
Primary position is the position of the eyes when they are fixating straight ahead.
Quelles sont les secondary diagnostic positions?
Secondary diagnostic positions are
* Straight up
* Straight down
* Right gaze
* Left gaze
Quelles sont les tertiary diagnostic positions?
Tertiary diagnostic positions are the 4 oblique positions of gaze:
* Up and right
* Up and left
* Down and right
* Down and left
* Right and left head- tilt positions
Quelles sont les positions cardinales?
Cardinal positions, which correspond to the primary fields of action of the extraocular muscles (EOMs) are
* Up and right
* Up and left
* Right
* Left
* Down and right
* Down and left
Pour l’insertion de chacun des MEO est large?
The width of the insertion of each EOM serves to stabilize the eye and mitigate changes in action that would other wise occur in different eye positions.
For example,
* When the eye looks upward, the insertion of the medial rectus muscle also shifts upward.
* But this also tightens the inferior fibers and slackens the superior fibers, in effect shifting the net
DONC : stabiliser l’œil et atténuer les changements d’action des MEOs
Définir les Muscle pulleys? Quelles sont les fonctions de celles-ci?
- The 4 rectus muscles are surrounded by fibroelastic pulleys that maintain the position of the EOMs relative to the orbit.
- The pulleys consist of collagen, elastin, and smooth muscle, enabling them to contract and relax.
- The pulleys may also serve to stabilize the muscle path, preventing sideslipping or movement perpendicular to the muscle axis.
Définir l’arc de contact?
In primary position, each muscle wraps around the globe for several millimeters before reaching its insertion on the sclera.
The length of muscle in contact with the globe is called the arc of contact.
Quel est l’arc of contact des différents MEOs?
Quel est l’arc de contact (en mm) du rectus médial?
7 mm
Quel est l’arc de contact (en mm) du rectus latéral?
12 mm
Quel est l’arc de contact (en mm) du rectus supérieur?
6,5 mm
Quel est l’arc de contact (en mm) du rectus inférieur?
6,5 mm
Quel est l’arc de contact (en mm) de l’oblique supérieur?
7-8 mm
Quel est l’arc de contact (en mm) de l’oblique inférieur?
15 mm
Qu’est-ce que l’effective insertion of the muscle?
The point where the muscle first contacts the globe is the effective insertion of the muscle.
Que se passe-t-il avec the effective insertion et l’arc of contact lorsque le MEO se contracte?
As the muscle contracts and the eye rotates toward the muscle, the effective insertion moves forward on the globe, toward the scleral insertion point, as the arc of contact decreases.
Qu’est-ce qu’un unité motrice?
An individual motor nerve fiber and its several muscle fibers constitute a motor unit.
Unité motrice = 1 motoneurone + fibres musculaires
Qu’est-ce que le recrutement d’unités motrices?
- Recruitment is the orderly increase in the number of activated motor units, thus increasing the strength of muscle contraction.
- For example, as the eye moves farther into abduction, more and more lateral rectus motor units are activated and brought into play by the brain to help pull the eye temporally.
- In addition, as the eye fixates farther into abduction, the firing frequency of each motor unit increases until it reaches a peak (several hundred per second, for some motor units).
Qu’est-ce qu’une duction?
Ductions are monocular rotations of the eye.
Définir un muscle qui est « synergist »?
Synergist: the muscle in the same eye as the agonist that acts with the agonist to produce a given movement.
Ex. the inferior oblique muscle is a synergist with the agonist superior rectus muscle for elevation of the eye
Qu’est-ce que la loi de Sherrington?
Sherrington’s law of reciprocal innervation states that increased innervation of a given EOM is accompanied by a reciprocal decrease in innervation of its antagonist.
For example, as the right eye abducts, innervation of the right lateral rectus muscle increases and innervation of the right medial rectus muscle decreases.
Qu’est-ce qu’un field of action? Clinical significance des fields of action?
Field of action refers to the gaze position (one of the cardinal positions) in which the effect of the EOM is most readily observed.
The clinical significance of fields of action is that a deviation (strabismus) that increases with gaze in some directions may result
* From weakness of the muscle normally pulling the eye in that direction
* From restriction of its action by its antagonist muscle
* Or from a combination of these 2 factors
Primary, secondary, and tertiary actions des MEOs
Les muscle planes du rectus supérieur pour isoler les différents actions (en degrés) ?
Les muscle planes du rectus inférieur pour isoler les différents actions (en degrés) ?
Les muscle planes de l’oblique supérieur pour isoler les différents actions (en degrés) ?
Les muscle planes de l’oblique inférieur pour isoler les différents actions (en degrés) ?