8 Flashcards
What can tactics depend on
Condition and enviro cues
H vs H
H vs D
D vs H
D vs D
If …. Pure hawk is ESS
V > c
What happens if v
Means each strategy is best to fight other so no ESS which explains mixed pops here a mixed strategy may be sand ESS
Evolutionary stable equilibrium frequency
Value of resource
Cost of resource
Hawk strat 1 and dove strat 2
Hawk - always escalates and retreats only if injured
Dove - retreats immediately if component escalates
Average payoff playing Hawks is h = frequency of Hawks
H ( HvsH ) + 1-h ( HvsD)
Average payoff for dove if h = freq if Hawks
H-1( DvsD) + h(DvsH)
When is ESS wrt to average payoff
When average payoff playing dove = average payoff playing hawk
Why is dove hawk game not realistic 4
In real life More than 2 strats Asymmetries occur --> fighting ability (strength/size) --> RHP resource holding potential --> experience and motivation