12 Second Part Of Communication Flashcards
Communication by modality examples 1/2
Elephants- seem ic vibrations through MEISSNERS CORPUSCLES they stamp feet and respond to alar calls from distant familiar herd 19-40hz and can be heard up to 32km away
Communication by modality 2/2
In insects
Picked up mechanoreceptirs in legs
Predator prey Evo arms race
And example
Co evolution of adaptations and counter adaptations
Red queen hypothesis that organisms have to continually evolve adapt and proliferate to survive
Or goo example is cryptic forewings
Mixed strat
Look like tree bark
Hind wings are brightly coloured so have STARTLE EFFECT on predator jays
How do feel vibrations in elephants
MEISSNERS corpuscles
Anti predator visual communication 5
Masquerade - mimic inedible objects
Crypsis- blend into background
Thanatosis- playing dead
Disruptive coloration- confusion effect
Aposematic signals - denotes something unpleasant
Inedible objects preying mantis looking like orchid
- moth foréwings and cricket counter shadowing for uniform appearance and caterpillar flattening
Thanatosis playing dead
Beetles to house jumper spider – play dead increased survivorship
Disruptive coloration
High signal noise ratio for confusion effect
Break up outline of animal for example Papuan frog moth
Zebra? Stripes actually to reduce flies
First paper through eyes of predators and using different visual appearance spatial filters
Lizard push up display is also deterrent signal
Aposematic signals example and how 4
Something unpleasant for example
Poison frogs brightly coloured and toxic
Can b signals due to Chemicals Weapons Spines Stinging organs
Signals being density dependent
Desert locusts
Low pop - green cryptic solitary
High pop- gregarious and cannot be cryptic so are black and yellow and incorporate toxic plants and leaves into their diet
Evolution of warning coloration
May have evolved through effects in survival I’d same group bright distasteful often same group
Kin selection
But probably not one common pathway
Relies on predator learning and trial and error
Why may mimicry have evolved?
Chemical defense evolved first so injury cost is low
Mullerian vs Batesian and promotes?
Mullerian - unpalatable mimic poisonous - promotes uniformity
Batesian- palatable promotes distasteful - promotes polymorphisma
Rarer morphs evolve to mimic more common ones
Millipedes and heliconius butterflies show colour patterns that are varying geographically and cost fm defence is shared all blue or orange or tiger etc
African mocker swallowtails
Mutant may suffer predation
Arms race that mimic has won
(Predator should be co evolving to spot the mimic)
Trade off
Prey defences and growth and reproduction
Is guppy – bright m guppy can find mate more easily and has mating advantage but also increased predation risk
Co evolution and brood parasitism
Cuckoo brood parasite
Mimics eggs
Counter adaptation of reed warbler - aggression to eggs not like own and more distinct patterns to identify own eggs
Chick would be easier but usually imprints on egg . In some species though that do reject chips no CHICK MIMICRY has evolved .
Anti predator alarms 2
Vibrations and head banging in termites in response to pathogenic spires
Ask alarm calls in blue monkeys to Eagles/ leopards predator
Terrify defence
Rise hook too moth caterpillars
3 types of vibrational signaks during territorial encounters
Conspecific territory encounters
Residents signal sufficiently more to intruders and most conflicts resolved in less than ten minutes with 91% trials show intruder lost
Multimodal signals examples
Jumping spiders
Vibrational component and visual factors
Complex mating display behaviour
Noise is made by phile on cephalothorax when it rubs against plate on abdomen females lack phile
Seismic signals increase chance of mating and decrease chance of being eaten by f
Main topics 7
Modality Predator prey arms race Anti pred communication Evolution of warning coloration Anti predator alarms Territory defence Courtship signals