8 Flashcards
Emergency Powers
Inherent powers exercised by the president to deal with emergencies.
A state that governs more than one national group, usually as a result of conquest
Enabling legislation
A law passed by Congress that lays out the general purposes and powers of an agency but grants the agency the power to determine the details of how it implements policy.
Entitlement program
A program under which the federal government is obligated to pay a specified benefit to people who meet certain requirements
Enumerated powers
The powers specifically given to Congress in Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution.
Environmental impact statement
A statement that must be prepared by the federal government prior to acting that describes how the environment will be affected.
The belief that humans have an obligation to protect the world from the excesses of human habitation, including pollution and the destruction of wilderness.
Equality of opportunity
When all people are given the same chances to compete and achieve so that those with talent and diligence will succeed, whereas others will not.
Equality of outcome
When all people achieve the same result, regardless of talent or effort.
Equal protection clause
Part of the Fourteenth Amendment, which states that states must give all citizens the equal protection of the law.
Equal Rights Amendment
A proposed amendment that would end gender discrimination; it failed to be ratified
Equal time rule
A broadcast media regulation that requires media outlets to give equal amounts of time to opposing candidates in an election.
When all parties to a transaction are treated fairly.
Establishment clause
A part of the First Amendment that forbids government establishment of religion
Excess demand
An economic situation in which the demand for something exceeds the supply.
Exclusionary rule
A legal rule that excludes from trial evidence obtained in an illegal search
Executive leadership
The view that the president should have strong influence over the bureaucracy.
Executive Office of the President
A set of agencies that work closely with the president to help him perform his job
Executive order
An order issued by the president that has the effect of law
Executive privilege
The right of officials of the executive branch to refuse to disclose some information to other branches of government or to the public.