14 Flashcards
just-war theory
A theory of ethics that defines when war is morally permissible and what means of warfare are justified.
Keynesian economics
A demand-side economic policy, first presented by John Maynard Keynes after World War I, that encouraged deficit spending by governments during economic recessions in order to provide jobs and boost income.
kitchen cabinet
An informal name for the president’s closest advisers.
Kyoto Protocol
An international treaty aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
laissez-faire capitalism
The economic philosophy that the government should not interfere with the economy.
The power to make rules that are binding on all people in a society.
layer-cake federalism
A term used to describe federalism through most of the nineteenth century, in which the federal and state governments each had their own issue areas, that rarely overlapped; also known as dual federalism.
legislative agenda
A series of laws a person wishes to pass.
Acceptance by citizens of the government.
Lemon test
A three-part test to determine if the establishment clause has been violated; named for the 1971 case Lemon v. Kurtzman.
Printing false statements that defame a person’s character.
A theory of international relations that deemphasizes the importance of military power in favor of economic power, trade, and international institutions.
The belief that government should be small and most decisions left up to the individual.
The freedom to do what one chooses as long as one does not harm or limit the freedom of other people.
limited government
A government that places few restrictions on its citizens’ choices and actions, and in which the government is limited in what it can do.
limited jurisdiction
A court’s power to hear only certain kinds of cases.
limited war
A war fought primarily between professional armies to achieve specific political objectives without causing widespread destruction.
line-item veto
A special type of veto that the president can use to strike the specific parts of the bill he or she dislikes without rejecting the entire bill.
line organization
In the government bureaucracy, an agency whose head reports directly to the president.
literacy test
Historically, a test that must be passed before a person can vote; designed to prevent blacks from voting.