7 Flashcards
The act of negotiating and dealing with other nations in the world, trying to achieve goals without force.
Direct democracy
A government in which the people come together to vote on all important issues.
Discharge petition
A measure in the House that forces a bill out of a committee for consideration by the whole House
Dissenting opinion
A court opinion written by the losing side that explains why it disagrees with the decision.
A mix of different cultural and religious traditions and values.
Divided government
A situation in which one party controls the presidency, while the other controls at least one house of Congress.
Divine right theory of kingship
The view that the monarch is chosen by God to rule with absolute power over a country.
Division of labour
The practice of dividing a job into smaller component parts and assigning one person or group to do each part
Dual federalism
A term to describe federalism through most of the nineteenth century, where the federal and state governments each had their own issue area, which rarely overlapped; also known as layer-cake federalism.
Due process clause
Part of the Fourteenth Amendment, which declares that no person can be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.
A term to describe the overwhelming power of the two major parties in American politics.
Earned Income Tax Credit
A federal welfare program that refunds all or part of a poor family’s social security tax.
Economic aid
Assistance to other countries designed to help the recipient’s economy
Economic group
An interest group that seeks material benefits for its members
Economic growth
The expansion of the economy, leading to the creation of more jobs and more wealth.