28 Flashcards
An international system with a single superpower dominating other states.
unitary system
A system of government where power is concentrated in the hands of the central government.
The idea that people overwhelmingly support the government and share certain common beliefs even if they disagree about particular policies.
user fee
A fee charged by the government to do certain things (e.g., paying a toll to use a tunnel).
The power of the president to stop a bill passed by Congress from becoming law.
veto message
A message written by the president, attached to a bill he or she has vetoed, which explains the reasons for the veto.
Virginia Plan
A plan at the constitutional convention to base representation in the legislature on population.
voter turnout
The percentage of citizens who vote in an election.
voting behavior
A term used to describe the motives and factors that shape voters’ choices.
Voting Rights Act
A law passed in 1965 that banned discrimination in voter registration requirements.
War Powers Resolution
Passed by Congress in 1973, the War Powers Resolution demands that the president consult with Congress when sending troops into action; it also gives Congress the power to force withdrawal of troops.
Washington community
The “inside the beltway” group that closely follows politics and constantly evaluates the relative power of politicians.
watchdog journalism
Journalism that attempts to hold government officials and institutions accountable for their actions.
Weberian model
The model of bureaucracy developed by sociologist Max Weber that characterizes bureaucracy as a rational and efficient means of organizing a large group of people.
The term for the set of policies designed to help those in economic need.