16 Flashcards
media consolidation
The trend toward a few large corporations owning most of the media outlets in the country.
merit system
The practice of hiring and promoting people based on skill.
Merit System Protection Board
A board that investigates charges of wrongdoing in the federal civil service.
midterm election
A congressional election that does not coincide with a presidential election.
military aid
Assistance to other countries designed to strengthen the recipient’s military.
military-industrial complex
The alliance of defense contractors, the military, and some members of Congress that promotes a large defense budget in order to profit themselves.
minority leader
In both the House and Senate, the leader of the minority party.
minority party
In a legislative body, the party with fewer than half of the seats.
Miranda v. Arizona
A 1966 case in which the Supreme Court ruled that police must inform suspects of their rights when arrested.
mixed economy
An economy that includes elements of the free market and central planning.
A regime in which all power is held by a single person.
monetary policy
An economic policy that seeks to control the supply of money in the economy.
monopolistic model
A view of the bureaucracy that says bureaucracies have no incentive to reform or improve performance because they face no competition.
Monroe Doctrine
An American policy, set by President James Monroe in 1823, that claims America’s right to intervene in the affairs of Western Hemisphere nations.
The idea that Americans should learn about and respect the many cultural heritages of the people of the United States.