8/25/16 Flashcards
Why study Church History
- Because Christianity is a historical Faith
- To Correct, Amend, or Confirm Current Interpretations of Historical Issues
- To Understand and Evaluate Alternative Theologies, Methodologies, and Ideologies so as to Purify Our Own
- Personal Value
Three Reasons Christianity is a Historic Faith
A. Old Testament Judaism
B. Nature of Christian Doctrine
C. Methodology of Biblical Writers
Four Examples of Current Historical Issues that studying history may Correct, Amend, or Confirm.
A. Papal Authority
B. Denominational Origins
C. Beneficent or Maleficent Effects of Movements and Individuals
D. Views of Biblical Authority
Three Alternative Theologies, Methodologies, and Ideologies that we may understand so as to Purify Our Own
A. The Person of Christ
B. How is a Man Made Right with God?
C. What is the Church?
Personal Values
A. Individual Growth B. Love for Our Brother C. Necessary Orientation to Other Disciplines D. Helps Fulfill the Ninth Commandment E. Teaching Aid F. Illustrative Material
Three Presuppositions about the Character of History
I. Metaphysical:
II. Ethical
III. Redemptive
Metaphysical Presuppositions about the Character of History
A. The entire historical process is meaningful (Rom. 8:18-30). God is demonstrating his redemptive purpose for the world
B. The decisive and canonical event in the history of mankind is the act of God in Jesus Christ (Gal. 4:1-4).
C. The goal for which God has created the world is his own glory (Phil. 2:5-11; Eph. 1).
D. Final judgement of the historical process rests in the hands of God (Lk. 12:2-3).
Ethical Presuppositions about the Character of History
A. Absolute moral law and an absolute ethical ideal exist in the universe. We can know them (Lk. 10:25-28).
B. Truth is related to personal, not impersonal factors.
C. Human nature is constant.
D. Fallen human nature is sinful (Rom. 3:1-19; Eph. 2:1-3)
E. All human actions are sinful and must be viewed in light of a declination (degrees) of evils related to the absolute good (I Cor. 4:1-6). All are still affected by the evil of the flesh, therefore our actions are all somewhat evil. we will not expect perfection out of any individual.
Redemptive Presuppositions about the Character of History
A. In the same way that the publishing of the gospel and the command to repentance, moral responsibility, and final judgment are universal and final destinies are eternal, so the historian cannot count any rational being as insignificant.
Edwards: God will glorify himself through each individual, even the unrighteous through their own self- destruction.
B. Christian redemption and pilgrimage should eliminate self-centeredness (provincialism).