10/27/16 Flashcards
What two roman civil wars were being waged in the early 310s?
C. Constantine vs. Maxentius (312) – Civil war in the West; Battle of the Milvian Bridge
D. Constantine and Licinius – co-rulers [Licinius had defeated Maximinus Daia in 313]
What did the Edict of Milan (313) do?
Religious freedom for all religions.
What controversial “move” did Constantine make?
Moved the capital to Constantinople
What evidences are given to support Constantine’s piety?
A. Personal Conversion
B. Minimizing the Evil of Paganism
C. Increased Influence of Christianity
D. Sought Unity of Church Doctrinally by convening the Council of Nicea
E. Law Began to Reflect Christian Humaneness
What inconsistencies of Constantine are listed?
A. Treatment of Donatists B. Treatment of Athanasius C. Treatment of Licinius and Crispus D. Retention of Title Pontifex Maximus E. Postponement of Baptism
Who are the three sons of Constantine and what is their religious affiliation?
A. Constans – Nicene
B. Constantine II – Nicene
C. Constantius II – Arian
Who succeeded Constantius II as emperor?
Julian the Apostate
Summarize the Constantinian change.
A. Changed the situation for Christians in the Empire
B. Had little real comprehension of moral and theological demands of Christianity
C. Maintained a mystical attachment to Christ and Christian symbols and respected the power of Christ
D. Relation of church and state begin to compete as systems of authority
What was the central issue that drove Arius to call the son a created being?
Arius desired to defend the monotheism of God.
What are the key points to Arius’ view of Christ?
- The Son is the first created being. (“There was when he was not”)
- As such, he is of different substance (heterousios) than the Father
- All other created things are created through him
- Logos is rational principle of Jesus in the incarnation
- Though finite… he is to be worshiped
What are the key points Athanasius argues against Arius?
- The Son is no begotten by the will of the Father, but by his nature.
- As such, he is of the same essence of the Father (homousios)
- Personality: Eternal, ->(?) Assumed. Singular person with two natures.
- All of this is necessary for salvation.
What are the “Differing Christological options of Opposers of Nicea”?
A. The Anomeans (not like the father. Denied the deity of Christ)
B. The Homoiousion (of like essence of the Father)
C. The Homoean (Just like the father without specifying essence)
What are the factors in the “Ascendancy of Arianism”?
- Political factors
- Aggressive posturing of the Arians and semi-arians
- Use of Synods attempting to make decrees against Niceans
- Second Synod of Sirmium 357