11/3 Flashcards
What are the four factors contributing to the re-ascendance of orthodoxy?
- Reaction Against Julian
- Reaction against Sirmium
- The Cappodocian Theologians and their Accomplishments
- The Support of Theodosius the Great
- The heroic consistence of Athenaseus
Who were the “Cappodocian Theologians”?
- Basil of Caesarea
- Gregory of Nyssa
- Gregory of Nazianzem
What were the accomplishments of the Cappodocian Theologians?
- Support for Athanasius
- Argued for Homousios
- Won over the hesitant middle party
- Theology of the Spirit
What are the two major works of Basil of Caesarea and who are they arguing against?
- Against Eunomias: Defending eternal generation of the Son because Eunomias had argued that un-begotten-ness is an essential aspect of the Deity
- On the Holy Spirit: Defend against the pneumatomachoi (fighters against the spirit) who objected to the adoration of the Spirit along with the Father and the Son that Basil laid out in his liturgy.
What “unfortunate metaphor” is attributed to Gregory of Nyssa
The view that God somehow tricked Satan into killing Jesus on the cross and thus saved mankind. (Think Aslan in Lewis’ Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe)
What is Apollinariianism?
Christ had a human body, but no human soul. “his Christology eliminate Christ’s true humanity”
What are the major characteristics of the Second Ecumenical Council?
A. Only 150 Bishops
B. Reconfirmed Nicea in slightly amended form.
C. Disposed of Macedonianism (pneumatomachoi)
D. Against Apollinariianism
E. Meletian Schism.
F. Constantinople recognized as patriarchate.
Where was the third Ecumenical Council held and for what reason?
Ephesus (431); Focus was on the Christology of Nestorius
What is Nestorianism?
Nestorius taught that union of two natures was moral (eudokia) rather than essential.
(Jesus and the divine Christ were two different persons.-Ferguson)
Basically “adoptionism”
objected to the attribution of Theotokos to Mary
What are the major characteristics of the Third Ecumenical Council?
B. There were 158 bishops present at first; opponents of Cyril were late (about 40)
C. Nestorius condemned
E. United council affirmed Nicea as standard for new converts.
F. Theodosius II dissolved council; conflict unresolved but final position officially that of the majority.
what is meant by “communicatio idiomatum”
Literally “fellowship of distinctives”; Jesus is one person. As such, certain traits are only true of his divine or of his human nature, but whatever is said of one must still apply to the one person.
Where was the Fourth Ecumenical Counsel held and why?
Chalcedon; Controversy over the Formula of Eutyches, “Two natures before the incarnation and one after it” (basically Apollinariianism)
What are the major characteristics of the Fourth Ecumenical Counsel?
A. ca. 600 Bishops Present
B. Against: The Formula of Eutyches, “Two natures before the incarnation and one after it” caused the problem
D. 451 – Eutyches’ view condemned