11/17/16 Flashcards
What are some specifics of Leo’s theology mentioned in class?
- Clearly defended the presence and unity of Christ’s two natures.
2. - Date for Easter
- Against cannon 28 (which made Constantinople equal to Rome in prestige.)
Summarize the first four councils.
according to the white board
325 Nicea- Full deity of Christ
381 Constaniople- Full humanity of Christ
431 Ephesus- Singularity of person
451 Chalcedon- Two Natures unified in one person
What are the “three Chapters” condemned at 553 Constantinople II (fifth council)?
Documents that were a reaffirmation of two natures. Essentially Nestorianism. (accused some theologians of monophysitism and in doing so almost fell into it)
What was the decision of 680 Constantinople III?
Acknowledged Dyothelitism: Will is part of nature and so Jesus had two wills.
Summarize the 787 Nicea II Council.
Iconoclast Controversy: Approved the revering of pictures and images as coductive to worship of the Triune God
What are the key “Affirmations of (Pelagius’) System”?
- Freedom of will
- Sin purely a matter of will
- Baptism bestows, not eternal life, but the “Kingdom of Heaven,” a state of higher blessedness.
- Divine grace includes all of life.
- Original sin is Adam’s bad example.
- Man was created mortal, not made so by sin.
- Objected strongly to Augustine’s “Give what thou commandest and command what thou wilt”
What were the three major Conflicts that Augustine wrote against?
- Manichaeism
- Donatism
- Pelagianism
What are the key “Affirmations of (Augustine’s) System”?
Go ahead, be presumptuous
- Original purity and possibility of immortality, but only through the influence of grace.
- The Fall – In Adam’s sin, Mankind fell en masse.
- Loss of free will – will still active, but enslaved to concupiscence
- Loss of primal Grace of God
- Loss of immortality – subject to physical death
- Hereditary Sin – Human nature as a whole deposited in Adam, and all of humanity in undistributed form sinned in him.
- Grace – unmerited and irresistible
- Unconditional election – certain number elected irrespective of merit
What are the “Contributions of Augustine”?
A. Clarified issues of sin, grace, and forgiveness
B. Percieived that sinlessness, even of the regenerate, is impossible
C. Ambiguity about Perseverance and Justification contributed to the idea of purgatory.
D. Philosophy of History in “City of God”.
E. Biblical, theological, philosophical, and analogical exposition of the Trinity
what does “non posse non peccare et mori”
Not possible not to sin and die. (man’s state after the fall)
What five factors laid the foundations of the primacy of Rome to the church
- Doctrinal astuteness of Roman bishops
- Ecclesiastical and political abilities of Roman bishops
- Geographical advantage of Rom in light of the Barbarian invasions and the militarism of Islam
- Move of imperial capital back to Rome
- Political prestige of Rome
In what ways did the Roman Catholic church expand (451-1050)?
- Germanic Invasion left the Pope as primary leader figure in Rome
- Monastic Developments
- Missionary Expansion
- Military and Political Aid
- Charlemagne’s rule (768-814)
- Forged Documents
- Strong Popes
What are some of the “benefits” of the Germanic invasions to the Popes?
- Influx of pagans into Rome increased opportunity for evangelism
- Pope’s territory of responsibility expanded
- Role expanded (became more of a political leader)
- Allowed him to develop a system of instruction based on catechism
- Increased the sense of sacramental mystery
What three major events occurred in 529?
- Founding of the monastery at Nurisa
- Synod of Orange: Discussed the issue of semi- pelagianism
- Justinian made a final attempt to unify the west and east empires (which failed)
Summarize the Synod of Orange
o Discussed the issue of semi- pelagianism
o Considered the victory of a moderate Augustinianism
o Grace operates before justification
o Rejected predestination to salvation