7th Kup Green Stripe Flashcards
What is the 7th kup pattern name?
Do San Tul
How many moves does the 7th kup pattern have?
24 Moves
What is the meaning of the 7th kup pattern?
Do San is the pseudonym of the patriot Ahn Chang-Ho (1876 - 1938). The 24 movements represent his entire life which he dedicated to furthering the education of Korea and its independent movement.
What is the Korean for ‘outer forearm high section block’?
Bakat palmok nopunde makgi
What is the Korean for ‘straight fingertip thrust’?
Sun sonkut tulgi
What is the Korean for ‘release from a grab’?
Jappyosul tae
What is the Korean for ‘back fist high side strike’?
Dung joomuk nopunde yop taerigi
What is the Korean for ‘outer forearm high wedging block’?
Bakat palmok nopunde hechyo makgi
What is the Korean for ‘sitting stance knife hand side strike’?
Annun so sonkal yop taerigi
What is the Korean for ‘side piercing kick’?
Yop cha jirugi
What is the Korean for ‘knife hand block’?
Sonkal makgi
What is the Korean for ‘knife hand inward high strike’?
Sonkal anuro nopunde taerigi
What is consecutive kicking?
This is when combining several foot techniques without lowering the kicking leg.
What is the Korean for ‘consecutive kicking’?
Yonsok chagi
What is fast motion?
This combines several techniques together. The one breath in is then exhaled proportionately between each technique.
Can you explain the difference between obverse and reverse?
In a right leg stance a right technique is obverse and a left technique is reverse.
What makes a stance with unequal weight ratio a left or right stance?
The leg with the most weight defines the stance. So an L stance with the right leg back is a right L stance as the back leg has 70% of your weight.
What makes a stance with 50/50 weight ratio a left or right stance?
The forward leg determines the stance. A walking, low or fixed stance with the right leg in front is a right walking stance, right low stance or right fixed stance.
In stances with 50/50 weight ratio but where neither leg is in front, eg sitting stance, the stance is neither right nor left. In these stances techniques are not referred to as left or right.
What is the English for ‘bakat palmok nopunde makgi’?
Outer forearm high block
What is the English for ‘sun sonkut tulgi’?
Straight fingertip thrust
What is the English for ‘jappyosul tae’?
Release from a grab
What is the English for ‘dung joomuk nopunde yop taerigi’?
Back fist high side strike
What is the English for ‘bakat palmok nopunde hechyo makgi’?
Outer forearm high wedging block
What is the English for ‘annun so sonkal yop taerigi’?
Sitting stance knife hand side strike
What is the English for ‘yop cha jirugi’?
Side piercing kick
What is the English for ‘sonkal makgi’?
Knife hand block
What is the English for ‘sonkal anuro nopunde taerigi’?
Knife hand inward high strike
What is the English for ‘yonsok chagi’?
Consecutive kicking