1st Kup Black Stripe - Part A Flashcards
What is the name of the 1st kup pattern?
Choong-Moo Tul
How many moves are in the 1st kup pattern?
30 Moves
What is the meaning of the 1st kup pattern?
Choong-Moo was given the name to the great admiral Yi Sun-Sin of the Yi Dynasty. He was reputed to have invented the first armoured battleship (Kobukson), which was the precursor to the present day submarine in 1592 AD. The reason why this pattern ends up with a left hand attack is to symbolise his regrettable death, having no chance to show his unrestrained potentiality, checked by the forced reservation of his loyalty to the king.
What is the Korean for ‘knife hand high front strike’?
Sonkal Nopunde Ap Taerigi
What is the Korean for ‘flying side piercing kick’?
Twimyo Yop Cha Jirugi
What is the Korean for ‘reverse knife hand high front strike’?
Sonkal Dung Nopunde Ap Taerigi
What is the Korean for ‘outer forearm middle front block’?
Bakat Palmok Kaunde Ap Makgi
What is the Korean for ‘x knife hand middle checking block’?
Kyocha Sonkal Kaunde Momchau Makgi
What is the Korean for ‘flying’?
What is the difference between flying and jumping techniques?
Flying techniques are executed in the air, whilst jumping techniques are executed upon the impact of landing.
What is the Korean for ‘single stepping’?
Ilbo Omgyo Didigi
What is the Korean for ‘double stepping’?
Ibo Omgyo Didigi
What is the Korean for ‘turning’?
What is the Korean for ‘step turn’?
Omgyo Didimyo Dolgi
Describe a step turn.
This allows any change in direction from 01 to 360 degrees. Can be executed with either foot moving forward, backward, clockwise, anti-clockwise and can be combined with double stepping, shifting and/or sliding.
What is the Korean for ‘spot turn’?
Gujari Dolgi
Describe a spot turn.
Can only turn 180 degrees to face an opponent behind. With this method both feet move to complete the turn. Generally the front foot will move first, but on occasion the back foot can be moved first. The turn is executed after moving one foot onto the centreline of the stance and can be taken clockwise or anti-clockwise depending on which leg is forward. On completion the front leg will be the opposite one to before the turn.
Describe a pivot turn.
Mostly used in walking, sitting or diagonal stance and is executed when pivoting on both feet at the same time (eg. Toi-Gye moves 35 & 36)
What is the Korean for ‘front rising kick’?
Ap Cha Olligi
What is the Korean for ‘crescent kick’?
Bandal Chagi
What is the Korean for ‘hooking kick’?
Golcho Chagi
What is the Korean for ‘waving kick’?
Doroh Chagi
What is the Korean for ‘sweeping kick’?
Suroh Chagi
What is the Korean for ‘front checking kick’?
Ap Cha Momchugi
What is the Korean for ‘side checking kick’?
Yop Cha Momchugi
What is the Korean for ‘side rising kick’?
Yop Cha Olligi
What is the Korean for ‘ball of the foot’?
What is the Korean for ‘foot sword’?
What is the Korean for ‘sole’?
Bal Badak
What is the Korean for ‘side sole’?
Yop Bal Badak
What is the Korean for ‘side instep’?
Yop Baldung
What is the Korean for ‘back heel’?
What is the English for ‘sonkal nopunde ap taeirigi’?
Knife Hand High Front Strike
What is the English for ‘twimyo yo cha jirugi’?
Flying Side Piercing Kick
What is the English for ‘sonkal dung nopunde ap taerigi’?
Reverse Knife Hand High Front Strike
What is the English for ‘bakat palmok kaunde ap makgi’?
Outer Forearm Middle Front Block
What is the English for ‘kyocha sonkal kaunde momchau makgi’?
X Knife Hand Middle Checking Block
What is the English for ‘flying’?
What is the English for ‘ilbo omgyo didigi’?
Single Stepping
What is the English for ‘ibo omgyo didigi’?
Double Stepping
What is the English for ‘omgyo didimyo dolgi’?
Step Turn
What is the English for ‘gujari dolgi’?
Spot Turn
What is the English for ‘ap cha olligi’?
Front Rising Kick
What is the English for ‘yop cha olligi’?
Side Rising Kick
What is the English for ‘bandal chagi’?
Crescent Kick
What is the English for ‘doroh chagi’?
Waving Kick
What is the English for ‘golcho chagi’?
Hooking Kick
What is the English for ‘ap cha momchugi’?
Front Checking Kick
What is the English for ‘yop cha momchugi’?
Side Checking Kick
What is the English for ‘suroh chagi’?
Sweeping Kick
What is the English for ‘apkumchi’?
Ball of the Foot
What is the English for ‘balkal’?
Foot Sword
What is the English for ‘yop bal badak’?
Side Sole
What is the English for ‘yop baldung’?
Side Instep
What is the English for ‘bal badak’?
What is the English for ‘dwitchook’?
Back Heel