1st Kup Black Stripe - Part D Flashcards
What happened in 2333 BC?
First Korean kingdom founded by Dan Gun
What happened in 57BC?
Beginning of Silla Dynasty
What happened in 37BC?
Beginning of Koguryo
What happened in 18BC?
Beginning of Baek-Je Dynasty
What happened in 600AD?
Hwa-rang formed
What happened in 668AD?
Three Kingdoms of Korea unified by Silla Dynasty
What happened in 686AD?
Buddhism introduced to Korea by Won Hyo
What happened in 936AD?
End of Silla Dynasty & beginning of Koryo Dynasty
What happened in 1392?
Beginning of Yi Dynasty
What happened in 1443?
Yi Se-Jong invents Korean alphabet (Han Gul)
What happened in 1536-1584?
Yul-Gok, the “Confucious of Korea” (see pattern)
What happened in 1592?
Choong-Moo invents Kobukson, first armoured battleship
What happened in 1876-1938?
Do-San, the pseudonym of Ahn Chang:Ho (see pattern)
What happened in 1905?
End of Yi Dynasty
What happened in 1905 15th November?
Beginning of Japanese occupation of Korea
What happened in 1910?
An Joong-Gun executed in Lui-Shung Prison
What happened in 1918 9th November?
Choi Hong Hi born (Founder of Taekwon-Do)
What happened in 1919 1st March?
Declaration of Independence led by Son Bong Hi of the 33 patriots
What happened in 1933?
General Choi begins learning Taek-Kyon
What happened in 1946?
End of Japanese occupation of Korea
What happened in 1946?
General Choi begins work on a Korean martial art?
What happened in 1950-1953?
Korean War
What happened in 1955 11th April?
Taekwon-Do proclaimed to the world.
What happened in 1967?
Taekwon-Do introduced to the UK by General Choi and Ki Ha Rhee
What happened in 1983?
TAGB formed
What happened in 1988?
BTC formed
What happened in 1988 & 1992?
Taekwon-Do as demonstration sport at the Olympics
What happened in 1993?
TI formed
What happened in 2000?
Taekwon-Do as full Olympic sport
What are the six elements of the Theory of Power and how can they be related to TKD?
Reaction force - use your opponents force and strike when they move in
Concentration - direct power to a small point and tension for a split second
Equilibrium - use your reaction arm for dynamic stability and keep your body in balance
Breath control - tense your abdomen to breathe out on impact
Mass - use a hip twist and knee spring to increase your body weight
Speed - the most essential factor for power, but all other factors contribute