2nd Kup Red Belt Flashcards
What is the name of the 2nd kup pattern?
Hwa-Rang Tul
How many moves does the 2nd kup pattern have?
29 Moves
What is the meaning of the 2nd kup pattern?
Hwa-Rang is named after the Hwa-Rang youth group which originated in the Silla Dynasty around 600 AD. This group eventually became the actual driving force for the unification of the three kingdoms of Korea. The 29 Movements refer to the 29th infantry division where Taekwondo developed into maturity.
What is the Korean for ‘closed ready stance C’?
Moa junbi sogi C
What is the Korean for ‘palm pushing block’?
Sonbadak miro makgi
What is the Korean for ‘upward punch’?
Ollyo jirugi
What is the Korean for ‘sliding’?
What is the Korean for ‘knife hand downward strike’?
Sonkal naeryo taerigi
What is the Korean for ‘inner forearm side front block’?
An palmok yopap makgi
What is the meaning of red belt?
Danger, cautioning the student to exercise control and warning the opponent to stay away.
Name the TAGB Officers.
Chairman: Grand Master David Oliver
Vice Chairman: Master Michael Dew
Treasurer: Master Ron Sergiew
National Secretary: Master Don Atkins
National Coach: Master Kenny Walton
Liaison Officer: Master Paul Donnelly
What is the Korean for ‘side piercing kick’?
Yop cha jirugi
What is the Korean for ‘reverse side piercing kick’?
Bandae yop cha jirugi
What is the Korean for ‘side thrusting kick’?
Yop cha tulgi
What is the Korean for ‘side pushing kick’?
Yop cha milgi
What is the Korean for ‘back kick’?
Dwit chagi
What is the Korean for ‘turning kick’?
Dollyo chagi
What is the Korean for ‘reverse turning kick’?
Bandae dollyo chagi
What is the Korean for ‘reverse hooking kick’?
Bandae goro chagi
What is the Korean for ‘downward kick’?
Naeryo chagi
What is the Korean for ‘twisting kick’?
Bituro chagi
What is the Korean for ‘vertical kick’?
Sewo chagi
What is the Korean for ‘inward pressing kick’?
Anuro noollo chagi
What is the Korean for ‘outward pressing kick’?
Bakuro noollo chagi
What is the Korean for ‘ball of the foot’?
Ap kumchi
What is the Korean for ‘back heel’?
What is the Korean for ‘back sole’?
Dwit kumchi
What is the Korean for ‘foot sword’?
What is the Korean for ‘knee’?
What is the Korean for ‘reverse foot sword’?
Balkal dung
What is the Korean for ‘toes’?
What is the English for ‘moa junbi sogi C’?
Closed ready stance C
What is the English for ‘sonbadak miro makgi’?
Palm pushing block
What is the English for ‘ollyo jirugi’?
Upward punch
What is the English for ‘mikulgi’?
What is the English for ‘sonkal naeryo taerigi’?
Knife hand downward strike
What is the English for ‘an palmok yopap makgi’?
Inner forearm side front block
What is the English for ‘yop cha jirugi’?
Side piercing kick
What is the English for ‘bandae yop cha jirugi’?
Reverse side piercing kick
What is the English for ‘yop cha tulgi’?
Side thrusting kick
What is the English for ‘yop cha milgi’?
Side pushing kick
What is the English for ‘dwit chagi’?
Back kick
What is the English for ‘dollyo chagi’?
Turning kick
What is the English for ‘bandae dollyo chagi’?
Reverse turning kick
What is the English for ‘bandae dollyo goro chagi’?
Reverse hooking kick
What is the English for ‘naeryo chagi’?
Downward kick
What is the English for ‘bituro chagi’?
Twisting kick
What is the English for ‘sewo chagi’?
Vertical kick
What is the English for ‘anuro noollo chagi’?
Inward pressing kick
What is the English for ‘bakuro noollo chagi’?
outward pressing kick
What is the English for ‘balkal’?
Foot sword
What is the English for ‘balkal dung’?
Reverse foot sword
What is the English for ‘balkut’?
What is the English for ‘apkumchi’?
Ball of the foot
What is the English for ‘dwitkumchi’?
Back sole
What is the English for ‘dwitchook’?
Back heel
What is the English for ‘moorup’?