7.2 Why has migration become increasingly complex? Flashcards
7.2 Why has migration become increasingly complex?
Key idea ⮕ Global migration patterns are influenced by a multitude of interrelated factors.
How changes in the 21st century have effected migration patterns
Changes in the twenty-first century have increased the complexity of global migration. These changes will be explored further.
Inter-regional vs Intra-regional migration
There are two types of internal migration. Inter-regional migration is the movement from one region to another region. The movement within the same region is called intra-regional migration.
Regions could be countries or continents.
Economic globalisation leading to emergence of new source areas and host destinations
-Return migration
Economic globalisation leading to emergence of new source areas and host destinations definition
Inter-regional (Economic globalisation leading to emergence of new source areas and host destinations)
-Migration of highly skilled workers from China India and Brazil to the USA - including graduates, especially in science, mathematics and technology and those in professional and business services, attracted by high salaries and the quality of life.
-Migration of workers from India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Egypt, the Philippines and Indonesia to oil-producing Gulf States and Saudi Arabia - attracted by increased demand for labour, relatively high wages, ease of returning formal remittances. accommodation, and improved transport and communications.
Intra-regional (Economic globalisation leading to emergence of new source areas and host destinations)
-Rapid increase of international migrant stock (6.5 million, 2013) among ASEAN member states - the fast-growing economies of Singapore. Malaysia and Thailand are the main destinations. Most migrants are low-skilled, many undocumented, seeking employment and higher wages via cyclical migration to countries of higher socio-economic development.
-Increased migration streams within South America, especially to the ‘southern cone’ of Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay. The main drivers are disparities in wages and labour opportunities. Regional integration (Mercosur, Andean Community trading blocs) has also eased immigration through free movement of labour.
Association of Southeast Asian Nations
Can be denoted as ASEAN. A multinational organization that cooperates economically by lowering trade barriers, such as, tariffs, to encourage commerce between member nations.
Return migration (Economic globalisation leading to emergence of new source areas and host destinations)
Return migration has been a high proportion of migrant flows within the EU - Romania (93% of its total migration), Lithuania (88%), Latvia (72%). Portugal (64%), Poland (63%) and Estonia (58%).
This includes young workers having achieved their pre-planned economic goals after two or three years - often taking low-skilled jobs abroad before returning to more prestigious positions in their home country.
Internal (Economic globalisation leading to emergence of new source areas and host destinations)
Internal migrant flows within EDCS such as India. China, Mexico and Brazil, driven by FDI which has created agglomerations of economic activity near large urban centres.
Rural-urban migration is not new but it has been reinforced and is a major element of the global migration system.
High concentration of young workers and female migrants
-Young workers
-Female migrants
Young workers (High concentration of young workers and female migrants)
The leading cause for international migration by the younger elements of the labour force is economic - greater employment opportunities, higher wages and the possibility of remittance. Study the population structure of migrant populations.
Page 225.
Female migrants (High concentration of young workers and female migrants)
Globally, there has been an increase in the number of women and girl migrants in the 21st century. In 2013, 52% of all migrants in developed countries were female; in developing countries the figure was 46%. Regionally, in Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, North America and Oceania, female participation in international migration exceeded that of men.
Page 225.
Transfer of money by workers to people in the country from which they emigrated.
Examples of South-South migration corridors
Burkina Faso to Ivory Coast
-Myanmar to Thailand
Page 227.
Conflict and persecution have increased numbers of refugees
A refugee is someone who has moved outside of his nationality or usual domicile because of genuine fear of persecution or death. According to the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) the number of refugees worldwide increased from 15.7 million in 2012 to 19.5 million in 2014.
Pages 227-229.
Changes in national immigration and emigration policies
National migration policies are designed to meet the economic, social and political needs of a country. For example, some ACs such as the UK, Australia and Canada use a points-based system to satisfy labour shortages in particular sectors.
In the developing world some countries actively encourage emigration, largely to assist in the development process through the financial benefits of migrant remittances, and the skills, ideas and business contacts brought by returning migrants.
Example of Emigration policy Pakistan
Pages 229-230
Example of Immigration policy Canada
Page 230.
Bilateral migration
Bilateral migration is simply the migrant flow between two countries. The number of migrants, their composition and the directions of flow are important characteristics of bilateral migration.
Development of distinct corridors of bilateral flows - summary
Bilateral migration is simply the migrant flow between two countries. The number of migrants, their composition and the directions of flow are important characteristics of bilateral migration.
Some bilateral corridors are very large and long-standing such as that between Mexico and USA. Others cannot match this in scale, but new and significant flows have been recorded in the last decade.
Further examples on Page 230.
Development of distinct corridors of bilateral flows - influences that explain these corridors
-Costs of travel which may be related to proximity.
-Ease of access and communication between the two countries.
-Efficiency and cost of sending remittances.
-Employment opportunities and wage differentials.
-Established diaspora communities and networks.
-Effects of conflict and persecution.
-Migration policy, including accession to economic unions and policy on refugees.
-Former colonial influence, such as language.
Brazil, an EDC (Case study)
Pages 231-233.