1.4 How does human activity cause change within coastal landscape systems? Flashcards
1.4 How does human activity cause change within coastal landscape systems?
Key idea ⮕ Human activity intentionally causes change within coastal landscape systems.
Sanbanks peninsula
Separates much of Poole Harbour from Poole Bay, heavily managed. The responsibility for management lies collectively with Poole Harbour Commissioners, Poole Borough Council and the Environment Agency.
The strategies employed form part of the Two Bays Shoreline Management Plan, based on the sediment cell covering Poole Bay and Christchurch Bay.
Needs for coastal management (Sanbanks peninsula)
The need for management The Sandbanks peninsula is a significant part of the coastal landscape system and needs management for several reasons:
-Large number of high value commercial properties built on it, generates spending in the local economy.
-Residential properties in high demand (4th most expensive in the world per sqm).
-A major tourist attraction. Blue Flag award for water quality, and gently sloping (is safe for family swimming).
-Provides protection and shelter from waves for Poole Harbour, which is therefore a
-Popular and safe place for water sports, such as wind-surfing, sailing and water ski-ing.
-The harbour is also home to numerous yacht clubs and marinas, such as Salterns.
Why coastal management is needed (Sanbanks peninsula)
-Climate change means that sea levels are predicted to rise here by about 0.6 m in the next 100 years.
-This would not only cause flooding of many properties, but could breach the peninsula at its lowest and narrowest point (only 2 m above sea level and 50 m wide) at the junction of Shore Road and Banks Road.
-Would effectively cut off the end of the peninsula from the mainland.
Management strategies
-Rock groynes have been constructed (to maintain a deep and wide beach) stops movement of sediment
-Beach recharge - sand dredging from offshore is sprayed onto the beach (rainbowing) costs £20 million