5.4 Who are the players that influence economic change in places? Flashcards
5.4 Who are the players that influence economic change in places?
Key idea ➡ Places are influenced by a range of players operating at different scales.
The players involved in driving economics change
Public players (The players involved in driving economics change)
Private players (The players involved in driving economics change)
Players involved in the construction of a by-pass around a market town (Diagram)
Players involved in the construction of a by-pass around a market town
-EU: funding as part of a regional aid package.
-National government: responsible for strategic transport planning.
-Local government: responsible for local transport planning.
-Farmer: land purchased along the road’s route.
-People living along route of the new road.
-National road construction company, part of a TNC’s operations.
-Local emergency service (police/fire/ambulance)
-Country wildlife trust
-People living along route of the present road through the town.
-Retailers in town.
Structural economic change in Birmingham Metropolitan Region (Case study)
Pages 172-177.