7.2 Female/Male Pelvic Hemisection Flashcards
Identify the following components of the rectum:
- Ampulla
- Transverse rectal folds
- Pectinate line
- Anal valves
- Anal columns
- Anal sinuses
Identify the levator ani muscles
Identify the anocutaneous line and anal pecten (white line)
Line: Below anal valves and pectinate line
Identify the internal and external anal sphincter
Internal: (the hypertrophied inner circular layer of smooth muscle from the wall of the rectum).
External: a band of skeletal muscle surrounding the anal canal. It will be difficult to see.
Identify the subcutaneous, or hemorrhoidal, venous plexus
where hemorrhoids happen
Identify the following components of the bladder:
- Trigone
- Ureter orifice
- Internal urethral orifice
- External urethral sphincter
- Detrusor muscle: muscle of the bladder wall.
Identify the uterus and the following components:
- Body
- Fundus
- Cervix
- Cervical canal
- Internal and External os
Identify the vagina:
Anterior fornix
Posterior fornix
Identify the urethra in a female
Identify the internal iliac artery and the following branches: Superior gluteal a. (posterior) Inferior gluteal a. Iliolumnbar a. (posterior) Lateral sacral a. (posterior) Umbilical a. Superior and inferior vesical aa. Vaginal a. Uterine a. (branches to vaginal) Internal pudendal a. Middle rectal a. Obturator a.
Identify the obturator nerve.
Describe its origin and course
Obturator nerve is part of the lumbar plexus.
Passes thru obturator canal with obturator a.
Identify the Lumbosacral trunk.
Describe its origin and course.
Anterior rams of L4-L5. Part of lumbar plexus.
Identify the Pelvic Splanchnic nerves
What division of NS?
ANS: Parasympathetics
Passing from S2 to S4 anterior rami to the rectum.
Describe the 4 main branches of the Sacral Sympathetic Trunk/Sacral Plexus and the course for each.
Sciatic (L4-S3): anterior and posterior divisions. Exits pelvis via greater sciatic foramen. Supplies lower limb.
Pudendal (S2-S4): anterior division. Exits pelvis via greater sciatic foramen, enters perineum via lesser sciatic foramen. Supplies skin an muscles of perineum; main sensory nerve for external genitalia.
Superior Gluteal (L4-S1): posterior division. Exits pelvis via greater sciatic foramen. Supplies gluteus medius, minimus, and tensor fascia latae.
Inferior Gluteal (L5-S2): posterior division. Exits pelvis via greater sciatic foramen. Supplies gluteus maximus.
Identify and describe the coccygeal plexus
Small plexus from ventral rami of S4-S5 and coccygeal nerves.
Identify the superior and inferior hypogastric plexuses.
Describe general plan for sympathetics of pelvis
T11-L2–> sympathetic chain–> lumbar and sacral splanchnic nerves–> synapse in inferior mesenteric ganglion–> postsynaptics thru superior hypogastric plexus, R/L hypogastric nerves, and/or inferior hypogastric plexus–> follow aa. to organs.
Describe general plan for parasympathetics of pelvis
Arise S2-S4 (pelvic splanchnics)–> ascend thru inferior and superior hypogastric plexuses–> follow aa. to organs–> synapse–> short post synaptic.
Identify the piriformis muscle.
Describe its attachments/function and innervation.
- Forms a bed for sacral plexus.
- Attaches to sacrum within lesser pelvis (passes through greater sciatic foramen) and attaches to femur’s greater trochanter
- Fxn: The piriformis acts to externally rotate, abduct, and extend the femur at the hip joint. It also acts to stabilize the hip joint.
- Innervation: Sacral plexus (S1, S2).
Identify the muscles which comprise the pelvic diaphragm; Coccygeus and Levator ani.
Describe the attachments/function and innervation for each muscle.
-Originates from the inferior end of the sacrum and inserts onto the ischial spine.
Fxn: support the pelvic viscera posteriorly and to flex the coccyx.
-Innervation: Sacral plexus (S4 to S5).
-Muscular sling arising from pubis; maintains fecal continence; This muscle is sometimes treated as part of the pubococcygeus
-Arises from pubis & tendinous arch, attaching to coccyx
Iliococcygeus: originates from the tendinous arch of the levator ani and inserts onto the anococcygeal ligament and coccyx with pubococcygeus.
- Fxn: lift the anal canal. It forms the pelvic diaphragm that supports the pelvic viscera, which are mainly the rectum and the anal canal.
- Innervation: Sacral plexus (S4), inferior anal nerve.
Identify the obturator internus muscle.
Describe its attachments/function and innervation
- Arises within lesser pelvis (passes through lesser sciatic foramen) and attaches to femur’s greater trochanter
- Fxn: externally rotate and extend the femur at the hip joint. It also acts to abduct or adduct the femur at the hip joint depending on the position of the joint.
- Innervation: Sacral plexus (L5, S1).
Describe the tendinous arch of the obturator internus
Serves as an attachment for the levator ani and the obturator canal. Obturator membrane forms tendinous arch medially
Identify the deep transverse perineal muscle
(info on earlier lab)
Identify the anococcygeal ligament
between the anus and the tip of the coccyx
Identify the prostate in the male and the following regions
- Prostatic urethra
- Urethral crest
- Seminal colliculus
- Prostatic sinus
(look at Netters)
Identify the membranous urethra
Identify the external urethral sphincter
Identify the bulbourethral gland
Small glands secreting during sexual arousal
Posterolateral to intermediate/membranous urethra
Ducts open into spongy urethra in bulb of penis
Identify the spongy or penile urethra
Identify the navicular fossa
The navicular fossa is the spongy part of the male urethra located at the glans penis portion. It is essentially the part right before the external urethral orifice.