7110.65 Chapter 4 Flashcards
List the clearance item order
Clearance Limit
Route of flight including PDR, PDAR, PAR
Altitude data in order flown
Mach Number
Holding instructions
any special information
Frequency and beacon code
How do you prefix a clearance, information or a request for info that will be related to an a/c through non-ATC facility?
ATC clears
ATC advises
ATC requests
FSS must prefix a clearance with the appropriate phrase
ATC clears
ATC advises
How do you amend a route?
1 - State portion of route that is being amended, then state the amendment
“Change (route) TO READ (new portion of route)”
2 - State the amendment to the route and then state that the rest of the route is unchanged.
“(Amendment to route), REST OF ROUTE UNCHANGED”
3 - Issue a clearance “direct” to a point on the previously issued route.
4 - Issue the entire route by stating the amendment
What must be issued when route or altitude in a previously issued clearance is amended
restate all applicable altitude restrictions
What are not valid substitutes for an amended clearance w/ altitude or speed restrictions
“do the best you can” or comparable phrases
What should ATC specialist avoid for a/c participating in the north American route program (NRP)
route and/or altitude changes
You may clear an a/c through ___________ ________
intermediate stops
What phrase do you use for ALTRV clearance
“via approved altitude reservation (mission name) flight plan”
How do you clear an a/c on a IFR-VFR flight plan
clear an a/c planning IFR operations for the initial part and VFR for the latter to the fix at which the IFR ends
What must a controller issue when an a/c changes from VFR to IFR
assign a beacon code to Mode-C equipped a/c that will allow MSAW alarms
Clear a/c for ___________ or ___________ instrument approach procedures only
To require an a/c to execute a particular instrument approach procedure, what do you specify
Specify “the name of the approach as published in the approach chart” in the approach clearance.
What do you specify when there is more than one procedure is published on a single chart and a specific procedure is to be flown
amend the approach clearance to specify execution of the specific approach to be flown.
What information can be omitted if only one instrument approach of a particular type is published
runway reference
What must an a/c be advised that the glideslope is reported out of service
at the time an approach clearance is issued
When must standard instrument approach procedures begin
It must begin at the initial approach fix or an intermediate fix if there is not a IAF
standard instrument approach procedure
Radar facilities may vector a/c to the final approach course under what criteria
adequate radar coverage exist
Where adequate radar coverage exist, radar facilities may clear an a/c to any fix _____________________ prior to _____________, along the final approach course, at an intercept angle not greater than _______________ degrees
3 NM
What is the phraseology option for clearing a/c on an approach
“Cleared (type) approach”
“Cleared approach” - pilot chooses approach”
“Cleared (specific procedure to be flown) approach”
“Cleared (ILS/LDA) approach, glideslope unuseable”
“Cleared localizer approach”
For a/c operating on unpublished routes, issues the approach only after the a/c is:
1 - established on a segment of a published route or instrument approach procedure (or)
2 - assigned an altitude to maintain until the a/c is established on a segment of a published route or instrument approach procedure
Do not clear a/c direct ot he _____ unless it is also an _______, wherein the a/c is expect to execute what
What is the exception?
the depicted procedure turn or hold-in-lieu of procedure
visual approaches
Intercept angles ______________________ may be used wha a __________, _____________, or __________________ is depicted and the pilot will execute the procedure
greater than 90 degrees
procedure turn
a hold-in-lieu of procedure turn
arrival holding
_____________, _____________, or _____________ is depicted and the angle of intercept is ___________________, the a/c must be instructed to conduct a _________ approach if the ATC does not want the pilot to execute a procedure turn or hold-in-lieu of procedure turn
a procedure turn
hold-in-lieu of procedure turn
arrival holding pattern
90 degrees or less
Except when applying radar procedures, time or visual approaches, clear an a/c for an approach to an a/p when the preceding a/c has done what?
(or) canceled IFR flight plan
Where instrument approaches require radar monitoring and radar services are not available, do not use what
“cleared approach” which allows the pilot his/her choice of instrument approach
Circling approach instructions may only be given for a/c landing where
at a/p(s) w/ operational control towers
What must be included in the approach clearance isntructions to circle to the runway in use if the landing will be made on a runway other than that aligned w/ the direction of instrument approach
direction of circling maneuver in relation to the a/p runway is required
state the direction (eight cardinal compass points)
and specify a left or right base/downwind leg as appropriate
What do you not issue in circling approach clearances
“extend downwind leg”
may cause an a/c to exceed the circling approach area distance rom runway w/in which required circling approach obstacle clearance is assured
Describe the side-step maneuver
authorized by an instrument approach procedure, you may clear an a/c for an approach to one runway and inform the a/c that landing will be made on a parallel runway
An approach clearance automatically authorizes the a/c to execute what?
What is the exception
missed approach procedure
a VFR a/c practicing an instrument approach
What information is specified in the approach clearance when the a/c states unfamiliar
Initial approach altitude
Direction and distance from the holding fix w/in which procedure turn is to be completed
Altitude at which the procedure turn is to be made
Final approach course and altitude
Missed approach procedures if considered necessary