7) Shoulder Flashcards
Fxn of superior GH & coracohumeral ligaments
Limits ER of the adducted shoulder
Fxn of middle glenohumeral ligament
Limits anterior translation of the abducted shoulder
Fxn of inferior glenohumeral complex
Gives multidirectional stability
Fxn of glenoid labrum
- Increases depth of the glenoid
* Attachment site for GH ligaments
Fxn of subacromial Burma
Water balloon for the shoulder
Things that are important when taking a hx for shoulder:
- Age
- MOI (Trauma, overuse, etc)
- Stage of healing
- Night pain
- Meds
- Hx of spinal patho
- Pain vs weakness vs ROM
- Parasthesia
- Difficulty w/motor tasks
- Hand Dominance
- ADL limitations
- Catching
- Constitutional Sx’s
Things to consider when doing a shoulder exam
- Inspect skin for bruising
- Look for anatomical deformity
- Muscle atrophy
- Scapular Winging
- Contours & creases
- Asymmetry
- Palpation
- Sensation
- Ligament Laxity
Purpose of differential subAC injection
Helps to differentiate a tear from inhibition causing 2 weakness
What causes anterior traumatic GH instability & why?
Hyperabduction & ER–>Causes capsulolabral avulsion between 3-6 o’clock on the glenoid
True or False: Anterior traumatic instability often requires surgery.
Classic Bankart Lesion
Labrum & capsule get avulsed from the glenoid
Anterior Labroligamentous Periosteal Sleeve Avulsion (ALPSA)
Labrum is torn but periosteum remained intact
Does ALPSA have healing potential?
Bony Bankart Lesion
Associated w/dislocation
Hill-Sachs Lesion
Dent/chip in the humeral head
Capsular avulsion on the inferior aspect of the glenoid
Multi-Directional Instability
Symptomatic subluxation/dislocation in 2 or more directions
Type 1 Multidirectional Instability
Multidirectional laxity & global instability
Type 2 Multidirectional Instability
Multidirectional laxity & anteroinferior instability
Type 3 Multidirectional Instability
Multidirectional laxity & posteroinferior instability
Type 4 Multidirectional Instability
Multidirectional laxity & anteroposterior instability
Typical profile of pt w/shoulder pathologies
Young adults who are often athletic & reporting generalized pain
Common shoulder pathologies:
- Loose/torn capsule
- Weak/overwhelmed dynamic stabilizers
- Generalized laxity
Non-operative management of shoulder pathologies is effective in up to what percent of cases?
What things should non-operative management of shoulder pathologies focus on?
- Adductor ER, & IR strengthening
- Progressive ROM
- Periscapular Re-ed