7. RESEARCH METHODS (Types of data (Qualitative/Quantitative, Primary/Secondary, Measures of Central tendency & Measures of dispersion)) Flashcards
What is quantitative data?
Quantitative data is expressed in numerical form, such as numbers on a Likert scale or yes/no answers, and is easy to analyse using statistical methods like graphs.
What is qualitative data?
Qualitative data is non-numerical and uses words to describe people’s thoughts, feelings, or experiences, such as written responses to open-ended questions.
What is a strength of quantitative data?
Quantitative data is objective, easy to analyse, and allows for easy comparison of responses across participants, which makes it reliable and valid.
What is a weakness of quantitative data?
Quantitative data lacks depth and detail, as it focuses on numbers and may not fully represent the complexity of human behaviour.
What is a strength of qualitative data?
Qualitative data provides rich, detailed information that can offer insights into the complexities of human behaviour.
What is a weakness of qualitative data?
Qualitative data is subjective, difficult to analyse statistically, and may not be reliable or easy to compare due to its non-numerical nature.
What is the difference between qualitative and quantitative data?
Quantitative data involves numbers and is objective, while qualitative data involves words and is subjective, providing more detailed insights but harder to analyse.
What is primary data?
Primary data is original data collected directly by the researcher for a specific study.
What is secondary data?
Secondary data is data that already exists from previous studies or sources, which is used in a new research context.
What is an advantage of primary data?
Primary data is tailored to the researcher’s needs, which can increase the relevance and internal validity of the study.
What is a limitation of primary data?
Primary data collection is time-consuming and resource-intensive, as researchers must design, implement, and analyse new data.
What is an advantage of secondary data?
Secondary data is easy and quick to access, saving researchers time and resources in comparison to collecting primary data.
What is a limitation of secondary data?
Secondary data may lack context and detail, as researchers cannot clarify responses or understand the full context behind the data, potentially reducing its validity.
What is meta-analysis?
Meta-analysis is a statistical technique used to combine and analyse data from multiple studies on the same topic to provide an overall conclusion
What is a strength of meta-analysis?
Meta-analysis provides a clearer overall picture by aggregating data from multiple studies, often increasing external validity.