7. Market Size and Market Type Flashcards
What you need to know
- Is the opportunity REAL?
- How big is the opportunity?
- Who are the competitors?
- Can it grow?
How big is the opportunity?
What is TAM?
TAM = Total Available Market
- How many people would want/need the product?
- How large is the market in $ if they all bought?
- How many units would that be?
How do I find out?
- Industry Analysts - Gartner, Forrester
- Wall Street Analysts - Goldman, Morgan
What is SAM?
SAM = Served Available Market (People you could serve)
- How many people need/can use the product?
- How many people have the money to buy the prodcut?
- How large would the market be if they all bought in?
- How many units would that be?
How do I find out?
- Talk to potential customers
What is TM?
TM = Target Market
- Who am I going to sell to in year 1, 2, 3?
- How many customers is that?
- How large is the market if they all bought?
- How many units would that be?
How do I find out?
- Talk to potential customers
- Identify and talk to channel partners
- Identify and talk to competitors
Market Types
- Existing Market
- Resegmented Market
- Clone Market
- New Market
What is an existing market?
- Incumbents exist
- Customers can name the market (name the competition)
- Comfortable, feature driven
- Incumbents will defend their turf
- Cost to build awareness
- Continuing innovation
What is a resegmented market?
You jump into an existing market with a clever feature that puts your competition in a box. e.g., a high end grocery store (you can get X anywhere but if you want special X come to us…we import it from Italy)
- Low cost provider, or
- Unique niche via positioning
What is a clone market?
Foreign business model adapted to local conditions
- Language
- Culture
- Price points or revenue model
- Import restrictions
- Local control/ownership
Need market large enough to justify effort
What is a new market?
- Customers don’t exist today
- Pains/gains not well known
- How will they find out about you?
- How will they become aware of their need?
- How do you know the market size is compellin?