7. Intel and Tasking and Coordination Flashcards
The goal of Intelligence in Police is to enable decision-makers to prevent crime and road trauma problems, and to promote safe communities, how does it achieve this? (2)
provdng accu tmly actble adv DM, infms & sppts op acty & ach org objs
- By providing accurate, timely and actionable advice to the decision-makers;
- that informs and supports operational activity and helps achieve organisational objectives.
Intelligence is a key component of Police Critical Command Information (CCI) which underpins the Prevention First National Operating Strategy.
- What is it used for? and
- What does it include?
- infm & drv dpymt op resorces, undstg crim evrn, faclte evi-bsd act*
- ppp & p*
Used for;
- To inform and drive the deployment of operational resources
- To enable understanding of the criminal environment, and
- To facilitate evidence-based action
It includes - people, products, processes and partnerships
Intelligence products
What are the 4 types of Intelligence products?
cip, anly p, ….
- Core Intel products
- Analytical product
- knowledge products
- Frontline products (incl FLINTS) designed to improve situational awareness of supervisors, frontline staff.
Intelligence products
With regards to deployment and prevention first, what are the 8 things Intelligence will do?
tgt actv offs, i opp actn, i fornsc int opp, und trnds & pattns, encrge ntgs, prod int prods vlt rprt, sppt s-m-lt intvns
- target active offenders
- ID opportunities for action
- ID forensic intel opportunities
- understand trends and patterns
- encourage notings
- produce intel products
- Use VOLT report
- Support short-medium-long term interventions
3I model
The 3i Model provides a consistent, integrated and cohesive approach to reduce crime and victimisation. It consists of 3 inter-related elements, what are they?
ce, i, dm
- The criminal environment
- Intelligence
- Decision makers
3I model
The 3 inter-related elements are linked by 3 processes what are these?
(3i’s) intpt, inflnce, ….
- interpret
- influence
- impact
3I model
Of the 3 processes - interpret, influence & impact, only influence is connected both ways to which two elements
i & dm
- Intelligence & Decision makers.
- Interpret & impact only travel in one direction.*
3I model
The 3i model is designed to provide a consistent, integrated and cohesive approach to do what? (1)
red c & ….
- Reduce crime and victimisation.
3I model
What is one of the key tenets of intelligence-led policing? (1)
evry emp colltr int
- Every Police employee is a collector of intelligence.
3I model
Discussions between Intel staff and decision-makers about intel products is an essential part of the 3I model. The aim of these discussions are what? (3)
foc prio, prdcts tmly & usfl, sugg acts desrd eff
- focused on priorities
- products are timely and useful, and
- suggested actions will have the desired effect.
3I model: Influencing decision makers
Discussions between staff & decision-makers about intel products is an essential part of the 3i model. Delivery of an intel product must be what?
bsd clr drctn & priotes frm dm, set T & C mtg
- Based on clear direction & priorities from decision-makers, usually set in T & C meeting.
Decision-making and planning
Each district has a DCC which is responsible for intelligence-informed, command-led implementation of round the clock deployment within the districts. What does the DCC provide the Deployment Manager? (1)
r/tme bg pic ov - hw dply resrcs bt dem & prvnt crm dstrct
- Real time big picture overview of how best to deploy resources to beat demand and prevent crime from happening with the district.
Intel categories
What are the 3 levels of intelligence?
s, o, t
- Strategic Intelligence - is directed to the achievement of long-term organisational objectives.
- Operational Intelligence - supports ACs and DCs in planning crime and road trauma reduction activities and deploying local resources to achieve operational objectives.
- Tactical Intelligence - supports frontline areas, investigations and other operational areas in taking specific action to achieve enforcement objectives.
Intel categories
What are differences between Strategic and Tactical Intelligence? (2)
S - bg pic plnng & stff alloc - lg trm sol, T - dirs imm actn
- Strategic Intel - deals with ‘big picture’ issues such as planning and staff allocation. Explores long-term, large scope solutions.
- Tactical intel - directs immediate action
Intelligence cycle
What is the NZ Police Intelligence cycle? (1)
mdl hw inf procesd intl - infrm dec mkg & drv act
- It is a model for how information is processed into intel in order to inform decision making and drive action.
Intelligence cycle
What are the 8 components of the intelligence cycle?
d, c, ev, coll, an, resp, diss, rev
- Direction
- Collection
- Evaluation
- Collation
- Analysis
- Response
- Dissemination
- Review
Intelligence products
The SARA Problem solving model defines responses as what? (6)
brstmg initves, fndg commu sim probs, alt intvns, resp pln & idfyg resp prtis, ste spec objs resp pln, crry plann actvy
- Brainstorming (new initiatives)
- Find communities with similar problems (how have they solved them?)
- Choose from alternative interventions
- Outline response plan, and identifying responsible parties
- State specific objects for response plan
- Carry out planned activity
Intelligence cycle
The fundamental principle of dissemination is to get the intel to those who need it, and have a right to use it in whatever form is deemed most appropriate, and in a timely manner. Police disseminates intel through verbal briefings and what 4 standard intel products?
cip, knwp anlp, frntlep
- Core Intel products - such as strategic and tactical assessments and subject profiles.
- Knowledge Products - provides an overview of a general topic or issue and highlights current knowledge and specific areas of concern or priority.
- Analytical Products - such as pattern analysis, crash analysis, road trauma risk profile, road user analysis…
- Frontline Intelligence (FLINT) - such as subject profiles, intel reports, special notices.
Linking products and decision-making:
Decision makers generally are not intelligence professionals. What does this mean for intel products? (8)
knw ky decsn mkrs & hw influ, int prdcts clr/ strgt fwd/ no jrgn & cmplxty, rght prestn stye & frmt, decis mkrs fced mult comp demds, knw whts imprt, sek clrty wht decsn mkrs expct, fcs pple & cntxt, awr constrnts decisn mkrs
It means we need to;
- know who the key decision-makers are and how to influence them
- intel products need to be clear, straightforward advice, free of jargon and complexity.
- pick the right presentation style and format
- Decision-makers are faced with multiple competing demands.
- know what is important
- seek clarity on what decision-makers expect
- focus on people and context,
- be aware of constraints on decision-makers.
Tasking and Coordination
Define what ‘Tasking and Coordination is. (1)
procss cci tune int prio op actvy
- It is the process by which critical command information (CCI) is turned into prioritised operational activity.
Tasking and Coordination
- What is the purpose of the Prevention First Deployment model? (1) and
- What are our deployment principles? (3)
p - dply resrces usng nat-consit app
pr - wll infrmd, wll dir, bttr undstg demd & capbltes, clr foc achi rgt reslts
To enable decision makers to deploy resources using a nationally-consistent approach.
- Well informed and well directed taskings
- Better understanding of demand and our capabilities
- clear focus on achieving the right results.
Tasking and Coordination
What are the 4 components of the Deployment Model?
cci, tc, wfm, op dlvry
- CCI - provides essential info on demand, resources, intel, performance and evidence-based policing to inform T and C decision-makers
- T and C - decides on activities, assigns accountability and allocates resources in order to have a positive impact on the crime and crash environment.
- WFM - delivers capability and capacity to the crime and crash environment.
- Operational Delivery - the implementation of tactics against the crime and crash environment.
Tasking and Coordination
What 3 outcomes can come out of a T & C meeting?
inf o, recom consrtns, tskgs
- Information Only
- Recommendations for Consideration
- Taskings
Deployment Model
The Deployment Model focuses on the 6 drivers of demand, what are they?
- Alcohol
- Youth
- Families
- Roads
- Organised Crime and Drugs
- Mental Health.
Deployment Model
Critical Command Information (CCI) falls into 5 categories. What are they?
Intl p, dmnd serv, perfo, strg prio, actl strgth
- Intelligence Products
- Demand for Service
- Performance
- Strategic Priorities
- Actual Strength