2 - Staff Management 1 Flashcards
Employment Relations Act 2000:
Under sect 4(1) of this act - What must parties do that are in an employment relationship? (2)
- Must deal with each other in good faith?
- Must not do anything to mislead or deceive or likely to mislead or deceive each other
Code of Conduct:
Who does the code of conduct apply to and when? (2)
- Applies to anyone who is employed or engaged by NZP regardless of rank or position held.
- Applies 24/7 - where those actions would bring police into disrepute or damage trust and confidence NZP has in us.
Code of Conduct:
The C.o.C provides general guidance and minimum expectations of behaviour that is expected of Police but is does not cover every situation. If in doubt with your actions and/or behaviour, you can apply the S.E.L.F test as help.
- What does S.E.L.F stand for?
S - Scutiny: would your decision or behaviour withstand scrutiny and be seen as appropriate by others?
E - Ensure compliance: Does your decision or behaviour comply with the Code and other Police policy, GI’s and procedural expectations.
L - Lawful: Is your decision or behaviour lawful
F - Fair: is your decision or behaviour fair and reasonable
Code of Conduct
What factors may be considered when determining if a behaviour or decision is a breach of the C.o.C, and how serious it is? (7)
n & c, int, postn/dut/respbles, ablty flfl dut/respbles, impt org & relnshps, imp t & c, hw sim behvr bn tretd pst.
- Nature & circumstances
- Intent - did they knowingly behave or make a decision that was not in line with the C.o.C?
- Position, duties, responsibilities
- Ability to fulfil duties, responsibilities
- The impact on the organisation & relationships
- Impact on the trust & confidence Police has in them
- How similar behaviour has been treated in the past.
Code of Conduct:
What is ‘misconduct’
It’s behaviour or actions that breach the C.o.C or policies, however while it may not justify dismissal it may result in formal disciplinary action.
Code of Conduct:
What are some examples of ‘misconduct’? (6)
- Breaching policies or procedures
- Treating someone harshly
- Using abusive or offensive language
- Misuse of police internet or email systems
- Using police databases for personal use
- Being absent from work or late without proper reason etc.
Code of Conduct:
What is ‘serious misconduct’? (2)
- It’s behaviour or actions that breach the C.o.C or police policies and seriously undermines or damages the trust and confidence Police has in you.
- This behaviour or actions may justify dismissal.
Code of Conduct:
What are some examples of ‘serious misconduct’? (7)
- Being convicted of or pleading guilty to an offence
- Corruption - accepting a bribe, inducement or reward
- Sexual misconduct
- Theft or dishonesty of any kind
- Repeated misconduct
- False declarations
- Excessive unjustified violence…etc
Flexible employment options (FEO):
Who can work FEO?
- Any police employee can apply to vary or alter their hours, days of place of work in their current role.
- NOTE: Basically if an employee wants to work FEO, then the starting point (from the Police Exec) is ‘Yes’, the employee and the manager WILL work together to make it work - FEO by default.
Flexible employment options (FEO):
What are some of the benefits of working FEO? (4)
- It enables high performance
- It attracts and retains top talent
- Able to access a broader talent pool
- Increased productivity
Flexible employment options (FEO):
It is a common perception that working FEO means only working part-time hours which is incorrect.
- What are some of the FEO options (4)
1. Part-time - this means working less than full-time hours whether that means working certain days, or fewer hours each day.
2. Condensed hours - this means working full-time hours but condensing them to make a shorter week.
3. Working from home or an alternative location - if duties and technology allows, employees can opt to work from home or another location.
4. Flexi-time - this allows an employee to work a set number of hours a week that can be varied from week to week.
NOTE: FEO is a 2-way street and discussing an application together can help identify how a flexible option can work for both the individual and the organisation.
Flexible employment options (FEO):
As a leader, you have a pivotal role in promoting and enabling FEO.
- What are the some of the ways in which you can support FEO? (6)
- Talk about it (with your team) - have regular conversations about it.
- FEO on the agenda - ensure that its always on the agenda at leadership discussions.
- Educate - help others with their understanding of it and how it can be used to achieve our business.
- Advocate - consider opportunities where you can promote FEO
- Challenge - challenge behaviour that does not align with our values or promotes FEO
- Role model - people will look to you as an example of how to manage work hours. Be mindful of your standards and expectations you are setting for your team.
Flexible employment options (FEO):
As a manager, what are your responsibilities with FEO applications? (2)
- You have a duty to consider ANY requests for FEO.
- You MUST respond to these request within 1 month.
Flexible employment options (FEO):
Who can decline an FEO application?
- Only a District Commander or National Manager.
Performance Management:
What are the 4 steps for Performance Management?
I D, P M….
- Informal discussion
- The Performance meeting
- The Performance Improvement Plan
- Completion of PIP - required standard reached
Performance Management:
What is ‘Performance Management?’ (1)
skng imprvmt dialo & sppt to enb emp prfrm satsftrly
- PM is about seeking improvement through dialogue and support to enable the employee to perform satisfactorily.
(While it is not a disciplinary process it can become one where an employee has been unable or unwilling to satisfactorily improve following a Performance Improvement Plan)
Performance Management: Informal Discussion
The objective of an Informal Discussion is to encourage dialogue and to try and identify if there are any underlying issues that are contributing to the performance issues.
- When having an ‘informal discussion,’ how should this be done? (6)
- Tlk priv, list emp, no fda, sen ltr, f/up mtg, ref well*
- Talk in private
- Listen to employee
- Don’t let it turn into formal disciplinary action, reach an agreement on a way forward where possible
- Send letter outlining discussion
- Arrange follow-up meeting
- Consider a referral to Wellness services?
Performance Management: Performance Meeting
What should you do BEFORE a ‘Performance Meeting’ with a staff member? (6)
id mps…, inv ltr, set prfm mgmt fle, disc hrm, p chklst, arr sppt prsn
- Identify minimum performance standard and how their performance falls short of it. (discussions should focus on shortfall)
- Invitation letter - invite employee to performance mtg.
- Set up Performance Mgmt File (Separate to PA file)
- Discuss with HRM (about options to remedy performance)
- Prepare checklist of items to be discussed.
- Arrange support person (where required)
Performance Management: Performance Meeting
What are the 5 steps should you go through during a ‘Performance Meeting’ with a staff member?
intro, prvde inf, op to resp, prob sol, rec discsn-sgnd
- Introductions
- Provide Information…of the minimum standard, the shortfall etc….
- Give the member the opportunity to respond
- Problem solving (if a PIP is required, advise what support, training, assistance is available)
- Record discussion - signed by both parties
Performance Management: PIP
What 10 things should a PIP contain?
perf imp, mas, rmdl stps, spp & resrces fbk, revw prd, prgrs mtg dtes, strt dte pip, consq prfm stds nt mt, sigs
- Performance to be improved
- Minimum acceptable standard
- Remedial steps
- Support and resources (to assist employee)
- Feedback: How and when this will occur
- Review Period
- Progress meeting dates
- Start Date of PIP
- Possible consequences if performance stds not met.
- Signatures - of both parties.
Disciplinary Policy:
The purpose of this policy is to ensure breaches of the C.o.C are managed and dealt with in what way?
- Fairly & in good faith with a view to IMPROVING conduct.
Disciplinary Policy:
Under this policy, what does ‘good faith’ mean? (3)
engage…o, h & r…be r & c…be a & c…
It means both parties must;
- engage openly, honestly and respectfully
- be responsive and communicative
- be active and constructive in maintaining a productive employment relationship.
Disciplinary Policy:
How must police conduct a disciplinary process? (10)
f & r, g rea, noti emp, det alleg, righ, op to resp, con expl, noti outc, outc propor, pri & conf
- Fairly and reasonably
- Undertake an employment investigation ONLY when there is good reason to do so
- Notify employee(s) when an investigation (in relation to them) is started - unless exceptional circumstances means it not appropriate.
- Provide details of specific allegations
- Advise them of their rights
- Provide reasonable opportunity to respond to allegations
- Consider their explanation in an unbiased manner.
- Notify of outcome
- Ensure outcomes are proportionate to the nature and seriousness of the conduct.
- Ensure privacy and confidentiality of investigation is maintained.
Disciplinary Process Guidelines:
What are the (9) steps for the ‘Disciplinary Process Guidelines?’
IA, C, C & EI, RD S S, DA, I-IS, I & IM, MD, O
- Initial Assessment
- Categorisation -HR, Professional Conduct team
- Criminal & Employment investigations (how/when)
- Restricted duties, suspension, stand down
- Drafting Allegations -disclosure
- Investigation-Initial steps
- Investigation & Investigation meeting
- Making decision
- Outcomes
Disciplinary Process: Making the decision
Once the investigation is completed, the employee needs to be informed of the preliminary decision. What needs to occur BEFORE a final decision on the outcome is made? (2)
- the employee must have the opportunity to comment either in person and/or in writing.
- Any comments or submissions need to be considered.
Disciplinary Policy Guidelines: Initial assessment:
In the initial assessment - What are the 5 questions that need to be considered when assessing the information
any sub, nesc spk, cndct brea?, inf av cons, nxt stps
- Is there any substance to it or is more infomation needed?
- Is it necessary to speak/notify employee (or others) about the matter to determine what the next appropriate step is?
- Is the alleged conduct a breach? (CoC, policy, employment agreement)
- What info is available for consideration?
- appropriate next steps?
Disciplinary Policy: Initial assessment
What are the 3 possible pathways that can come out of the ‘Initial Assessment’?
n cndct/ prfmce iss, ptnial mscndct or ser mscndt, prfmce iss.
- No conduct or performance concerns
- Potential misconduct or serious misconduct
- Performance issue
Disciplinary Process Guidelines: Categorisation
What is the role when categorising a potential disciplinary matter? (3)
rev inf, invtgn nd?, dtl clr allgtn
- Review all the information
- Determine if investigation needed? (may be ready to go straight to disciplinary meeting)
- Detail clear allegations and specify how the alleged behaviour does not align with our code, policies and values.