1. Strategic Awareness Flashcards
Our Business: Why we’re here
Under our business, what is our ‘Vision’, our ‘Purpose’, and our ‘Mission’?
v - sc, p - bs fs, m - p c & h
- To be the safest country
- To ensure everybody can Be Safe & Feel Safe.
- To prevent crime & harm through exceptional policing.
Our Business: What we do
Under what we do, what are our goals? (3)
sh, sr, sc
To have;
- Safe homes,
- Safe roads, and
- Safe communities
If we can achieve these 3 things, then we should achieve our vision of becoming the safest country.
Our Business: What we do
What does ‘Safe Homes’ mean?
fr vio ab nglt, prev brgs oth thrts plces
It means
- families being free from violence, abuse & neglect.
- preventing burglaries & other threats to places where people should always feel safe.
Our Business: What we do
What does Safe Roads mean? (1)
wrkg prtnrs prv dth & injry
It means;
- working with our partners to prevent death & injury
Our Business: What we do
What does Safe Communities mean? (1)
pple sfe & f sfe whevr liv wrk & vst
It means;
- people are safe & feel safe wherever they live, work and visit.
Our Business: What we do
Under What We Do, What are our (8) functions?
s9 policing act 2008
- Keep the peace
- Maintain public safety
- Law enforcement
- Crime prevention
- Community support & reassurance
- National security
- Policing activities outside NZ
- Emergency Management
Our Business: What we do
Prevention First is the operating model for Police, it asks our people to be what? (1)
prblm slvrs & lk opptu prv crm & hrm
- Problem solvers and to look for opportunities to prevent crime & harm.
Our Business: What we do
Preventions First is our ‘Operating Model’ which asks our people to be problem solvers and look for opportunities to prevent crime & harm, and to be pro-active about these opportunities, it also says it’s about mind-set at an individual level, but at the ‘core’ of it, is our deployment model, which is what?
evi & insghts mxmse impts colltve resrcs
- It is where we use evidence and insights to maximise the impacts of our collective resources.
Our Business: What we do
Te Huringa o Te Tai focuses police efforts around 3 pou,
- Pou Mataara - Our people & our mindset
- Pou Mataaho - effective initiatives & improved practice
- Pou - Hourua - effective partnerships
and provides an opportunity to work with & beside Maori & Iwi as Treaty partners for the benefit of all NZ.
- What does THoTT represent?
- reprsnts strgy m crwn relnshps lfe polcng cntxt*
- It represent our strategy to bring Maori Crown relationships to life in a policing context.
Our Business: How we do it
What are our 3 priorities?
- Be first then do: Strengthening how & who we are as an organisation.
- Deliver the services NZers expect & deserve: Understanding & providing what the public want from their police.
- Focused prevention through partnerships: Focused police effort & working with others to achieve better outcomes.
Our Business: How we do it
In terms of ‘Our people’ what should they be? (4)
s & fs, v, f, c & r
- Safe & feel safe
- Valued
- Fair to all
- Compassionate & reflective
Our Business: How we do it
Leaders help create an environment in which everyone can thrive. Leadership is not about leading some while others get left behind, its about fostering an evironment that brings out teveryone’s best & in a way that they feel valued.
In terms of ‘Our leadership’ what is it we are trying to create? (3)
crte envrnmt - lv v invid/coll, inclsve evryne b thmslves, enbl pple b bst phpf
Its about creating an environment where we;
- Live our values individually & collectively
- Are inclusive - everyone can be themselves
- Enable our people to be their best using PHPF
Our Business: How we do it
If we are to be sucessful we need a culture based on collective values, which we reflect in our actions & decisions. We all need to be working together, in the interests of the organisation & NZ.
In terms of ‘Our culture’ what are we looking for? (2)
cllctve effrt shrd otcmes, brng humnty evry intrac
- Collective effort for shared outcomes
- Bringing humanity to every interaction
Our Business: How we do it
We know we cannot achieve our vision alone, thats why we need effective partnerships to build connections that produce stronger and lasting results. Sucessful partnerships will mean we can focus on areas where we can have the greatest influence.
- As an organistion who are we aiming to work with and beside? (5)
- ga, mpe, cg, i & b, int prtnrs*
- Government agencies
- M-P-E communities
- Community groups
- Industry & business
- International partners
Prevention First Now:
PV is designed to support & enhance the delivery of our key outcomes, what are they? (3)
Prev c & v, trgt & ctch offdrs, dlvr mre respve pol srvce
- Prevent crime & victimization
- target & catch offenders
- deliver a more responsive police service.
What is the ‘mindset’ of PF?
- ‘Take every opportunity to prevent harm’
Prevention First puts people - victims, offenders, & our staff - at the centre of our model.
What are the core components of the PF model? (3)
- Deploying to beat demand
- Targeting the drivers of demand
- Mindset: taking every opportunity to prevent harm
(These 3 components are supported through our partnerships.)
Under PF, define effective partnerships?
bldng eff prtnrshps t & c in….
Building effective partnerships of trust and confidence
- in each other,
- with Iwi Maori,
- our communities, partner agencies
so that we can share information and implement collaborative approaches.
Effective partnerships
To help government agencies implement the social investment approach, Police, by default of their position in the community, are known as what?
- Facilitators and connectors
Deploy to beat demand:
What does the deployment model allow us to do? (3)
Act wth urgncy agnst rpt & prorty offdrs, …
- Act with urgency against repeat and priority offenders
- Provide support and assistance to those repeatedly victimised
- Maximise resources to locations that repeatedly suffer disproportionate levels of crime.
Deploy to beat demand:
Explain ‘evidence-based deployment’?
Use tctcs prvn wrk….
- we use tactics that have been proven to work,
- we evaluate the results of our interventions to determine whether we achieved the desired outcome or need to refocus our efforts.
Deploy to beat demand: Evidence- based deployment
Before we choose the most effective tactics, we need to be certain that we understand the problem. We need to be sure that the tactics we use are ones that deliver the results we want & expect.
- Then what is it do we need to do? (3)
- m, m, e qlty dplymnt, ensre dlvr otcmes sk*
We need to;
- measure,
- monitor &
- evaluate the quality of our deployment
to ensure we deliver the outcomes we seek.
Deployment Model
What is the aim of the deployment model? (2)
ensre eql emphsis gvn dealng ugntly wth prolfc/prio offders, & to prevtng/ respdng to/ invstng & resolvng crm.
- To ensure equal emphasis is given to dealing urgently with prolific and priority offenders, and
- to preventing, responding to, investigating and resolving crime.
What does critical command information (CCI) consist of? (5)
- Performance,
- Intelligence,
- Resources,
- Demand
- Our Business
Under the PF ‘mindset’ outline ‘Offender Management’
Dealing quickly….
Dealing quickly and appropriately with offenders will always be core business, However under PF mantra of ‘taking every opportunity to prevent harm’, it also means we need to support offenders wanting to make a positive change. We can do this by;
- enabling access to support services which may prevent further offending and therefore harm and victimisation.
- alternative resolutions - keeping low-level offences and first-time offenders (particularly youth) out of the CJ system while ensuring crime is addressed and victims have redress.
Mindset: Repeat victimisation
Prevention First includes an emphasis on preventing repeat victimisation. We are introducing new ways of bringing together agencies to respond to at-risk victims that bring Police, social & justice sector agencies to the same table in order to do what? (1)
prvde mre trgtd respnse vctms inlne wth govts wllbng apprch
- to provide a more targeted response to victims in line with the government’s wellbeing approach.
Under the PF ‘mindset’ outline ‘locations’
Evidence shows…
- Evidence shows that 5% of locations generates 32% of calls for service.
- By targeting repeat locations (of crime) or the 5%, we have the potential to prevent significant harm and victimisation.
Mindset: Repeat victimisation
PV includes an emphasis on preventing ‘repeat victimisation’. Through the use of the ‘Victim Focus Framework’, repeat victimisation can be significantly reduced. How does the framework work?
fces V frst pnt cntct prvdng stff VH scre hghlgt prev vctmstn, GRM pr-actv intvntn, intr-agcy resp h-rsk Vs.
- It focuses on victims from the first point of contact by providing staff with a Victim History score to highligh previous victimisation
- a Graduated Response model for proactive intervention with the victim, and
- an inter-agency response for high risk victims.
To deliver on prevention mindset, we will do what? (7)
dmstrte org vlues/c.o.c evry intractn, prvde proactv & cnssitnt srvce vctms/offdrs usng rsk assmts, bld rltnshp of trst imprv info shrng prtnr agnces/commu, fcs vctm needs, crte VIPs, alwys use off mgmt apprch, mke sre team knws how thr wrk cntrbtes to org gols thru phpf.
- Demonstrate our org values and code of conduct in every interaction
- Provide a proactive and consistent service to victims and offenders by using risk assessments
- Build relationships of trust to improve info sharing with partner agencies and communities
- Focus on victims needs
- Create useful VIPs
- Always use agreed offender mgmt approach
- Make sure every member of the team knows how their work contributes to our org goals, through PHPF.
Te Huringa o Te Tai: Pou Mataara - our people & their mindset
This pou will continue to focus on building our people, their skills, knowledge, mind-set & performance through this strategy & leverage the PHPF to deliver better & more effective outcomes for Maori, Iwi, & our communities.
- By adopting a ‘Te Ao Maori view’ through the alignment of uara Maori with our values, what will this ensure? (2)
- cltrly rspnv intitves & prgrms rstre & strnghn i/w/c, dvlpd & implmtd*
- Culturally responsive initiatives & programmes which restore & strengthen the wellbeing of individuals , whanau & communities,
- are developed & implemented
Te Huringa o Te Tai: Pou Mataaho - effective initiatives & improved practice
This will focus on a whanau ora approach of co-design & joint delivery of initiatives with Iwi Maori. Increasing our understanding of kaupapa Maori frameworks to develop tikanga Maori interventions & programmes will do what? (1)
enhc ablty impv lg-trm otcmes M
- it will ehance our ability to improve long-term outcomes for Maori.
- Research suggests that investment in Maori-led approaches that address the inter-weaving components of offending, collective social harm, social marginalisation, and over-representation in the justice system are more effective than programmes designed by non-Maori.
Te Huringa o Te Tai: Pou Mataaho - effective initiatives & improved practice
Under this pou, what does ‘taking every opportunity to prevent harm’ mean? (3)
act mre proatvly kp M frm entrng j/sys…,addrss undyng caus offndg & prvde bttr whnu spprt vctms to brk cycl behvr & hrm, b mre efftve prvntn rehbtn reintgrtn & spprt.
It means we need to;
- Act more proactively to keep Maori from entering the justice system, and stop them coming back
- Address underlying causes of offending & provide better whanau support for victims, to break the cycle of behaviour & harm
- Be more effective at prevention, rehabilitation, reintergration & support.
Te Huringa o Te Tai: Pou Hourua - effective partnerships
This pou focuses on building relationships, which lead to more effective partnerships with iwi, Maori & other organisations. This will improve long-term well-being for Maori and influence legislative, policy & systems across government.
As such, in terms of partnerships & ToW, Maori need to be acknowledged as what? (2)
trty prtnrs - nt stkhldrs, M stff/c/srve prvdrs & I ldrs mst invlvd at al lvls dsgng, plnng & dlvry
- as Treaty partners, rather than stakeholders, therefore
- Maori staff, communities, service providers & iwi leaders must be involved at all levels of designing, planning & delivery
Te Huringa o Te Tai: Pou Hourua - effective partnerships
This pou encourages ‘investment in Maori partnerships’ and means Maori are seen as treaty partners & interventions are co-designed. This means we need to be willing to share decision-making, control of resources & be comfortable in leading from behind. We can also lift our engagement & delivery through what? (2)
imprvng undrstng MV algn wth PV, wrkng tgthr - M & P enhnc vlu ea brngs to strngthn pthwys M wllbng
- Through improving our understanding that uara Maori aligns with our organisational values.
- Working together, Iwi Maori & Police can enhance the value each other brings to strengthen the pathways for waiora Maori (well-being)
The strategy framework starts the cascading of the SPT which is designed to do what?
…help better connect….
- It is designed to help us better connect our people to our business.
The value of the SPT is that it will allow every leader in the Police to have what?
To have consistent, high quality conversations with their staff about
- our strategy,
- their purpose in police and
- what they will need to deliver to help us achieve ‘Our Business’
What will the ‘Culture’ framework enable us to do?
help clarify….
It will enable us to clarify
- what a high performance culture looks like and
- how to bring it to life at every level of police.
PHPF - Culture
The PHPF second framework is F2 Culture consists of 2 tools. What are they?
- Culture Transformational Tool - changes we need to make to deliver the outcomes we are promising.
- Characteristics of a High Performing team - defines the qualities of top performing teams.
PHPF: Culture - empowering staff to deliver our mission
The Executive want to empower every member of Police to make the right call to deliver the outcomes highlighted in ‘Our Business’. What does this require?
mve frm p/b cltre to mre p/b cltre
- This requires a move away from a prescriptive-based culture to a more principle-based culture.
What are the characteristics of a high performing team?
(4) U, C….
- United - share the same vision, aspirations, values, trust one another’s motives and intentions.
- Committed to excellence - we strive to be the best in all that we do.
- Individually accountable and responsible - we accept the need to be accountable for our performance.
- Supportive of one another - we support one another as people and as members of a group.
Under PHPF, how is ‘Leadership’ defined?
not about c….
- It’s not about ‘control’, it’s about influence and enablement,
- It’s our ability as leaders to enable our staff/people to deliver on our business that will determine our success as a leader.
The Leadership framework consists of two tools, what are they?
- S.E.E - Set, enable, expect - this defines the ‘purpose’ of leadership.
- The P.R.L - Principal Responsibilities of Leadership will;
- enable us to describe what leadership means in the context of ‘Our Business’ and
- highlights what I need to focus on to excel in my role as a leader.
Outline what Set, Enable and Expect means? (3)
- S - SET - the strategy, standards, outcomes and activities that my staff will need to deliver on their purpose (SPT)
- E. ENABLE - staff to deliver the outcomes required of their roles.
- E. EXPECT - hold staff/people accountable for delivering the outcomes required of them.
Under the ‘Leadership’ framework, what are the Principal Responsibilities of Leadership? (4)
- Strategy: increase the engagement of my people in regards to ‘Our Business’ and their group and LPSs. -
- Standards: Improve the performance standards in regards to their quality of work; outcomes delivered. -
- Capability: Improve performance capability in regards to their - skills, knowledge and experience.
- Culture: Improve the culture within the team in regards to their individual s.o.m, and their mindset as a team.
What will the ‘Capability’ framework do and what are the 3 levels of the Performance Model (triangle)?
it will equip….
Capability framework will;
- equip our staff with the tools to be the best in their roles.
3 levels;
- Performance
- Skills, Knowledge, Experience
- State of mind
Under the ‘Performance Management’ framework, what are the 4 steps of the ‘Performance Cycle’?
- Performance Agreements - Reset the SPT.
- Development Plans - Update our development plans
- Progress Reviews - Have regular progress reviews.
- Performance Reviews - have an annual performance reviews.
Development Plans:
Under the conventional systems, the term ‘development tends to refer to career development or a process to address ‘poor’ performance. Under what does it mean under PHPF?
hlpng stff prfrm thr ptntal in thr crrnt rle
- It means helping every member of staff perform to their potential in their current role.
Monthly Reviews:
What will these reviews allow leaders to do?
- have more meaningful conversations with people/staff about their progress and development.
Policing Act 2008
Section 9 Policing Act 2008 list the functions of Police, what are they (8)?
P, PS, LE….
- Keep the peace
- Maintain public safety
- Law enforcement
- Crime prevention
- Community support and reassurance
- National security
- Participation in policing activities outside NZ
- Emergency management.
Policing Act 2008
What does section 30 Policing Act 2008 - Command and Control say?
must obey and be guided by….
Every Police employee must obey and be guided by;
- GI’s
- Commissioner’s circulars, and
- any applicable local orders
- Must obey the lawful commands of a Supervisor or
- In the absence of a Supervisor, the next in line (or longest serving member)
- Must not act under the direction, command or control of a Minister of the Crown, or a person who is not authorised under this act to direct, command, control etc…
- This doesn’t apply to police outside NZ who is part of an overseas operation etc.
Policing Act 2008
What does section 63(1)(a) and (b) Policing Act 2008 cover?
- 63(1)(a) - Acting appointments - appoint an employee temporarily to a higher level of position; or
- 63(1)(b) - authorise an employee to exercise or perform any of the powers/duties of the higher level position.
Our Values
What are ‘Our Values’
- Professionalism: Look the part, be the part
- Respect: Treat others as they would want to be treated
- Integrity: Actions say it all
- Commitment to Maori and the Treaty: Stand together
- Empathy: Walk in their shoes
- Diversity: Many views, one purpose
Core values
in order to recognise our responsibilities towards victims, we introduced two new core values as a clear statement of our intentions with every interaction. What are they?
Police Core Values:
Professionalism - look the part, be the part. Outline the ‘definition’
tke prde rep pol & mkng dffrnce cmmnties
- DEF: We take pride in representing Police and making a difference in the communities.
Core Values:
Respect - Treat others as they would want to be treated. Outline the ‘definition’
- DEF: We treat everyone with dignity, uphold their individual rights and honour their freedoms.
Police Core Values:
Integrity - Actions say it all. Outline the ‘definition’
- DEF: We are honest and uphold excellent ethical standards.
Police Core Values:
Commitment to Maori and the Treaty - Stand together. Outline the ‘definition’
- DEF: We act in good faith of, and respect, the principles of the Treaty - partnership, protection and participation.
Police Core Values:
Empathy - walk in their shoes. Outline the ‘definition’
sk undrstng & cnsdr exp & psptves thse srve.
- DEF: We seek understanding of and consider the experience and perspective of those we serve.
Police Core Values:
Diversity - many views, one purpose. Outline the ‘definition’
rcgnse vlue dffrnt prspctves & exp brng mkng bttr wht we do.
- DEF: We recognise the value different perspectives and experiences bring to making us better at what we do.