7. Global Challanges Flashcards
Problem or difficulty to be faces
The west faces many challenges due to its ageing population
Economic or political instability
A rapid , unmanaged change in a country’s economy or political situation
Social unrest
Riots, protests or dighting by the public against each other or the government
An issue
The issue of petrol price inflation is not often discussed in the media
Pressing matters
Urgent, important issues
.. because of more pressing matters at home.
To say that it is a largest issue is to overlook a range of equally pressing matters
Economic prospects
The future possibilities for a national economy
Social mobility
The ability of people to progress in terms of salary, lifestyle and social status
The greatest aid of social mobility is good education and training
The private sector
EPrivate business, as opposed to the public sector meaning state owned or controlled services
Has a more stimulating environment
The changes in society in terms of age, income, numbers, origins and location in a country
Demographic changes in au have been dramatic , with Substantial immigration and an ageing indigenous population
Issue of age demographics
The tendency to have a long life expectancy
Japanese people have a highest longevity in the world
To migrate
To move permanently between countries
Migration within the eurozone is a highly controversial issue at present
Brain drain
The tendency for intelligent or successful workers to migrate out of the country
Experiencing a hight ‘brain drain’ these days, because of the lack of economic prospects
The effect of this is the ‘ brain drain’ when young, ambitious people prefer to leave their countries altogether, exacerbating the problem for those remaining
Existential threats
The a threat to existence or life
The economy faces an existential threat from collapsing oil revenues
Globally face existential treats such as famine, drought, or outbreak of disease
An outbreak
The start of a widespread problem such as disease or conflict