13. Media Flashcards
Reforming media to truly serve the people
empowering communities to build and access diverse media sources; reforming the FCC; increasing transparency of media funding; expanding internet services; and decreasing news censorship.
Translate, transmit
magine if the media – broadcasters, newspapers, magazines, websites, etc. – had to reveal how they were funded and who owned them at all times. This sort of transparency would help people make informed decisions about the media they rely on by constantly revealing the economic incentives that influence coverage of issues.
his is important because your ability to access the Internet and have a fast connection are directly related to your ability to participate in society, get a job, and share and receive critical information.
News is censored all the time: political, legal, and economic pressure can influence what gets reported; and certain stories are misrepresented or simply ignored. For example, in 1991 the George H.W. Bush administration banned media from covering soldiers coming home in caskets after being killed in the Persian Gulf War. Newspapers could not even publish photos, making it difficult to reflect the real, everyday losses of war. The ban lasted 18 years, until April of 2009. With this type of censorship, the media loses its ability to report accurate, honest information and the public is inadequately informed.
Internationalisation of mass media
The majority of people today shate more information than they used to due to the internationalisation of mass media. Some people believe this is closing the gap between the cultures and bringing many benefits worldwide.
World-wide media
One advantage of world wide media is that films, plays, music and sports events can be enjoyed and celebrated around the world. Many people believe that sharing these aspects will create a global culture that brings people closer together
Another advantage is that issues such as human right abuses become internationally recognised
Countries that trie to keep these atrocities hidden are made public by the media. As a result, the globalisation of the media can help to raise awareness of these issues and this may help to reduce or even to eliminate the problem in future
International media
Has provided a valuable educational tool for children and adults alike. Foreign television teams keep the public up to date with news and images of different cultures and the way of life. Thus, people can educate themselves about the cultures not just by reading the books but by watching news programs and documentaries. In this way, global culture will bring valuable educational benefits worldwide.