7. Flow Cytometry I Intro Flashcards
What is flow cytometry?
• Technique which simultaneously measures several physical characteristics belonging to
a SINGLE CELL in SUSPENSION (measures properties of cells in flow)
Define flow sorting
- Sorting (separating) cells based on properties measured in flow
- Also called Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting (FACS)
What can a flow cytometer tell us about a cell?
- Its Relative Size
- Its Relative Granularity/Internal Complexity
- Its Relative Fluorescence Intensity
- You can find out about the cell adhesions, receptors and intracellular components, like the enzymes and the cytokines – using fluorescence
What are the different methods of visualisation?
- Fluorescence Microsocopy
- Flow Cytometry
What are the basics of flow cytomertry?
• FLUIDICS - cells in suspension - flow in single-file through • OPTICS - an illuminated volume - scatter light and emit fluorescence • ELECTRONICS - Analogue signals (light signals) are collected, filtered and - converted to digital values - that are stored on a computer
Describe the different places information flows in a flow cytometry.
Light source -> flow chamber -> optical system -> light detectors -> computer
Expand on fluidics.
- Need to have cells in suspension flow in single file
- Accomplished by injecting sample into a sheath fluid as it passes through a small (50-300 µm) orifice
- Sample fluid flows in a central core that does not mix with the sheath fluid - Laminar flow
- Introduction of a large volume into a small volume - Hydrodynamic Focusing
Expand on the light sources that are used.
• Lasers
- Single wavelength of light (a laser line) or (more rarely) a mixture of wavelengths
- can provide from milliwatts to watts of light
- can be inexpensive, air-cooled units or expensive, water-cooled units
- provide coherent light (Single frequency)
Expand on light scatter.
- When the light hits the cell, the light is scattered in 2 directions
- Forward and 90 degree angle.
- Forwards is proportional to the size
- 90 degrees is proportional to the granularity
- This gives us information about the cell without any fluorescence involved.
- A graph is plotted with the x-axis showing forward scatter and the y-axis showing the 90 degree scatter. - the different cell types accumulate in a certain area ~ so you can quantitate sub-populations of peripheral blood based on their size and granularity
What happens when cells are labelled with fluorescence and they are passed through a flow cytometry?
- When the cells are labelled with fluoresce, they do NOT have a forward and perpendicular scatter, but they emit fluoresce
- This shows that the light goes through filters an mirrors and is then detected.
Expand on electronics.
- Processing of signals from detectors ~ analog-digital conversion
What is a stokes shift?
- The energy difference between the lowest energy peak of absorbance and the highest energy of emission
- When fluorochrome returns to its unexcited state, it emits light at a longer wavelength
Examples of flurochromes and dyes
- Fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC) = GREEN
- Phycoerythrin (PE) = ORANGE
- Peridinin Chlorophyll Protein (PerCP) = RED
What happens when there is overlapping between the different colours? (e.g. cells labelled with 4 different colours)
- 4 different colours - labelling the cells with 4 different antibodies, with 4 different colours on them with one laser line.
- The cell emits depending on whether it is positive or negative for a specific antibody
- The light goes through different filters and mirrors before reaching the detector ~ detector recognises a narrow wavelength of light
- Many fluorochromes with different excitation emissions – so you have to choose carefully when you are combining different fluorochromes.
Give examples of single cells in suspension
- Peripheral blood
- Bone marrow
- Fine Needle Aspirate
- CSF and other fluids
- Fresh Tissue
Describe the different methods of labelling.
- DIRECT: Monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) are preconjugated to fluorochromes
- INDIRECT: Unconjugated MoAbs ~ you would have your primary specific monoclonal antibody and then in the second step you would have a secondary antibody to the antibody used in the first step (a fluorophore is attached to the secondary antibody)
What are the different methods to display data?
- Histogram - Fluoroescence intensity on the X-axis and cell count on the y-axis ~ you can only measure how many cells are fluorescent for that marker
- Dot plot – you have forward scatter on the x-axis and side scatter on the y-axis ~ you can quantitate cells based on 2 parameters
Advantage of a dot plot.
You can quantitate 4 populations of cells.
E.g. single positive PE pop, double positive FITC and PE pop, negative pop, and single positive FITC pop.
What is gating?
- Gating is where you draw a gate around a specific cell type (on a dot plot) ~ so you can look at the cells in this gate on the basis of their fluroesence.
- histogram analysis of this gate shows 2 populations. - You can then find out what proportion fall into a specific area? and can also quantitate the 4 proportions
How many populations do you get with 2 and 3 antibodies?
- With 2, you get 4 populations
- With 3, you get 8 populations