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Clinical Pathology
> 47. Antibiotic > Flashcards
47. Antibiotic Flashcards
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Clinical Pathology
(62 decks)
1. Primary Culture Techniques
2. Cell Culture
3. Microscopy
4. Nutritional Anaemias
5. Lab Investigations of the FBC
6. Haemolytic Anaemias
7. Flow Cytometry I Intro
8. Flow Cytometry II Applications
9. Blood Coagulation, Haemostasis and its Investigations
10. Cellular Growth Regulation
11. MRI & MRS
12. Cell Damage & Cell Death
13. X-Ray CT PET
14. The Blood Transfusion Lab
15. Mechanism of Oncogenesis
16. Oncogenesis and Tumour Supressor Genes
17. Tumour Angiogenesis, Invasion and Metastasis
18. Ultrasonography
19. Intro to Leukaemias
20. Intro to Lymphoid Malignancies
21. Lab Investigations of White Cell Disorders
22. Lab Investigations of Liver and GI Disease
23. Lab Investigations of Endocrine Disorders
24. Lab Investigations of Cardiac Disorders
25. Calcium & Phosphate Metabolism
26. Diabetes & Hypoglycaemia
27. Investigation of Salt & Water & Acid/Base Balance
28. Lab Investigation of Disorders of Calcium & Phosphate Metabolism
29. Overview of Genomic Technologies in Clinical Diagnostics
30. Chromosomal Abnormalities I
31. Chromosomal Abnormalities II
32. Inborn Errors of Metabolism
33. Clinical Cancer of Genetics
34. Bacterial Pathogens and Diseases I
35. Bacterial Pathogens and Diseases II
36. Viral Pathogenes: Classification, Biology, Diseases I
37. Viral Pathogenes: Classification, Biology, Diseases II
38. Mechanism of Viral Infection and Pathiogenesis
39. Transplantation and Immunosuppressive Drugs
40. Immunology Clinic and Research Lab
41. Microbial Immune Evasion Mechanisms
42. Systems for Detection of Pathogens I
43. Systems for Detection of Pathogens II
44. Diagnosis of Viral Infections
45. Molecular & Genomic Epidemiology of Infections
46. Mechanism of Antivirals
47. Antibiotic
48. Antibiotic Resistance
49. Review of Innate Immunity
50. Development of Lymphocytes
51. Humoral Immunity, Generation of Antibody Diversity
52. Humoral Immunity, B Cell Activation, Affinity
53. Generation of Diversity in the T Cell Repertoire
54. T Cell Activation & Generation of Effectors
55. Natural Born Killers
56. Scientific Basis of Vaccines
57. Hypersensitivity Reactions
58. Autoimmunity
59. Vaccines Bacterial & Viral
60. Parasitology
61. Pathogenesis of Parasitic Infections
62. Immunodeficiencies