7. Domestic Division Of Labour Flashcards
How did adverts portray women 50 years ago?
Weal, stereotypical females who rely on men to do hard and heavy jobs.
Glammed up, lots of make up on to appeal to the male gaze
Adverts kitchen products, suited to female roles
What are some of The Good Wife’s Guide ideas
Don’t complain if he is home late for dinner. Don’t ask questions about his actions. Be a little gay and more interesting for him. Clear away the clutter
Who was mainly responsible for your general wellbeing aged 5-7
What do Functionalists believe about females doing the bulk of the work?
more traditional, in favour of remaining
keep the breadwinner, housewife role
gender roles help socialise children
tax incentives to stay married
What do Feminists believe about females doing the bulk of the work?
change to equality
born breadwinners, born housewife
if all happy and have choice, then why change
What do Post Modernists believe about females doing the bulk of the work?
Society is to developed
must change to adapt to it
What does the March of Progress signify
Men and women are equal in terms of domestic division of labour
What does the Instrumental and Expressive roles signify
Men and Women are not equal in terms of domestic division of labour
What was Parson’s theory about domestic division of labour
segregated, conjugal roles
functionalist perspectives
What was Parsons theory about segreagated conjugal roles about?
Husband = breadwinner, instrumental, solves the financial decisions- Wife = housewife, expressive- Different friends and leisure activities. DDOL driven by biology, women nurturing naturally, more suited to it. Men are providers
What did Young and Wilmott believe about domestic division of labour
Symmetrical families, equalitarian marriages
What was Young and Wilmott’s thoery about Symmetrical families
Traditional segregated degree of labour was breaking down. conjugal relationship was becoming symmetrical. Equalitarian marriage caused by emergence of privatised family, increasing opportunity in paid employment for women. Marriages share friends and have common leisure activities
What does Joint Conjugal Roles mean
couples share more task together
Why is there a decline is close knit families, increasing geographical and social mobility
less pressure on couples to fulfil traditional roles. more dependent on husbands and wives. social control means teasing if more away from social roles. loose networks allow integration without expectations
Why are there improved living standards at home
modern amenities encourage couples to be more home centred, building relationship and home
Why are there improved status and rights of women
Men have to view women as equals not just mothers and housewives. women assert that household tasks should be shared
What is the commercialisation of house hold work
development of technology an goods have removed drudgery and time consuming aspects of work
encourage men to do more, women still organise and delegate. Those who have money, pay others to do chores
Why is there an increase in the number of women in paid employment
spend less time on house work as jobs, men do a bit more around the house, very slow progress to reduce inequalities, but it is happening. Still have masculine and feminine jobs.
Why are there weaker gender identities (post modernist view)
men and women have no choice in how they see themselves, pick ‘n’ mix, less constrained by traditional roles, and identities encouraged to do more at home
Who benefits the most from domestic labour
Husbands, children, guest
How much time do women spend on household chores a week
71 Hours a week
If you paid women a salary for their household work, what would it be a year?
What did the Office for National Statistics say about unpaid work
Women do 60% unpaid over men
What is the Dual Burden
women go to work and then come home to take car of the house
What is the Triple Shift
Duncombe and Marsden argued it was work labour, domestic labour and emotional labour that women undertake
What do radical feminists believe about domestic labour
men benefit the most, inequality contributes towards the patriarchy
What do Marxists feminists believe about domestic labour
benefits capitalism too
reproduction of labour power
provide physical and mental wellbeing of a family
family is a social factory producing human labour power
How did Young and Wilmott measure domestic labour
72% married men claim they help in another way than washing up once a week
How did Oakley measure domestic labour
This can mean anything, noy proof of equality anyhow
How did Boulton measure domestic labour
difficult to trust what surveys say, women still do more than men, reality isn’t as easy as the survey depicts it can be
What did Delphy and Leonard believe about the triple shift
emotional work is concerned with maintaining the affection, moral supports, friendships and love which give family members a sense of belonging, underpinning family solidarity and cohesion. ‘emotional work is gendered’
What did Duncombe and Marsden believe about triple shift
40 families interviewed, men are emotionally less available and unable to express feelings. men are unaware they do it, therefore women pick it up, leading to the triple shift
What does Taylor-Goody say
public attitudes still suggest women should have responsibility towards children
What does resources mean
Who controls the money and budget in the family?
What does decision making mean
Who makes the big decisions, like buying a car, going on holiday etc
What did Edgell (1980) find about female decision?
what the kids wear, interior design
food, household items, frequent everyday items, ‘unimportant’
What did Edgell (1980) find about male decision?
moving house, buying a car, major financial decisions, ‘infrequent but important’
What decisions were joint, did Edgell find?
Holidays and children
What are Non-decisions
need to be done, not scheduled in though, they don’t involve conscious thought, as little decision and based on social norms
What are some examples of Non-decisions
washing, cleaning, ironing, childcare, emotional work
What do feminists argue about Non-decisions
Men benefit from non-decisions, women doing more domestic labour, women completing, women being dependent on men
What did Pahl find about who has financial power at home?
Some families own joint accounts, but many have separate
When women go part time- maternity leave- they become 1/3 more dependent on men, more likely to go part time too
What did Barret and McIntosh find in 1991?
men gain far more from women’s unpaid labour than they give back in work
Women take care of day spending, overseen by the man, but man takes over large spends
What did Pahl and Vogler find in 1993
The allowance system- men give their wife a budget out of the main income
Pooling- where all money goes into a joint account
What does financial management mean?
Control. when women earn less than men, the individualisation in money management can be route to inequality
What is the impact of financial control on women?
Highly qualified women who take careers face hidden discrimination.
Women leave temporarily, missing out on promotions for children
Relocate for mans sake, follow and upturn life
Why does inequality happen, according to Gershuny and Laurie
cultural, if a child has role models who share housework equally, they will carry it on into their own home
Why does inequality happen, according to Crompton and Lyonette
material, women generally earn less and are expected to make up work through house making and emotional support
What does Domestic violence impact on domestic labour
people are most likely to be attacked by a member of your family, die at the hands of someone you know
What is Domestic Violence
physical, psychological, sexual or financial violence in an intimate or family type relationship, can involve coercive or controlling behaviour, involves partners, ex-partners, relatives and other household members
What legislation came about in April 2015
illegal to share revenge porn
What is revenge porn
shares intimate videos and pictures of someone without consent
What is physical violence
Hitting, punching, kicking, any form of abuse that harms the body or is acted out through the body
What is sexual violence
Rape, making someone do something they do not want to, calling the person a slut or a slag
What does domestic violence include
honour killings, FGM, forced marriages, violence in same-sex relationships
What is Emotional violence
putting someone down, making them explain every move, lying to them, ignoring them, threatening to leave
What is Isolation
Stopping a person from seeing friends and family, no visitors, no job, locking in the house
What is Financial Violence
Taking a persons money, ask for money, make all decisions when deciding what to buy, controlling the amount of money a person has
What is Threats
Making the person afraid using looks and gestures, saying they will kill or hurt them, threatening to smash things
Stats on domestic violence
1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men
2 women murdered week. 30 men a year
16% reported, least likely
35 assaults before report
Why are the statistics probably off
Very under reported, women are to scared too come forward, but men feel it’s unmasculine to say something and open up
How often is rape in marriage
1 in 4 women, 3/4 rapes take place in the home of the victim/offender
Only 6% are reported
Why do women not report domestic violence
fear of further violence
trapped in a relationship
social pressure to maintain norms
children disrupted
What may the police assumer about family life?
the state shouldn’t interfere in private lives
family is a good thing, dark side ignored
individuals are free agents, women are free to leave if they want to
How does decision making link to domestic violence?
‘Dobash and Dobash’
women who challenge authority and decisions create more likely to start domestic violence
men don’t like being questioned on authority
What do Functionalists see on domestic violence
consensus theory, focus on positive aspect, ignore any bad things
warm bath theory, stabilise emotions, if families wrong so would the world be
What do Marxist’s see on domestic violence
caused by stresses at work, and status, domestic violence releases it, women go back to work and benefit to capitalism
Fran Ainsley- ‘women are takers of shit’
What do Radical Feminist’s see on domestic violence
evidence of household patriarchy
family is main source of female oppression
happens when women don’t meet male expectations/ expressive role expected of them
How are Radical feminist’s criticised
research focuses on female victims of male aggression, not all domestic violence is this way. same sex relationships, women with domestic violence towards children