2. Functionalism Families and Households Flashcards
what is a consensus theory
take a positive stance on their idea
society is wonderful- functionalists
what is a conflict theory
take a negative stance on their ideas
society is bad- Marxism, feminism
What did Murdock believe there was
four functions of the family
What are Murdock’s four functions
What was the belief behind Murdock’s four functions
1949- took a sample of 250 societies
nuclear family- universal social grouping
family is an essential part of society
What does ‘Sexual’ show
repressing sexuality in a socially approved context, controlled and stable
social approval attached to incest, adultery, homo sexuality (some places)
What does ‘Reproductive’ show?
providing stability for the reproduction and rearing of children
produces next generation of society
What does ‘Socialisation’ show?
the family is key for primary socialisation where children learn acceptable behaviour and the rules of the society
What does ‘Economic’ show?
food and shelter for family members
pool resources to ensure everyone has what they need
What did Murdock say?
The family is a social group characterised by common residence, economic co-operation and reproduction. It includes adults of both sexes, at least two of whom maintain a socially approves sexual relationship, and one or more children, own or adopted, of the sexually cohabiting adults.
Why do extended families decline
people want more privacy
people have less children
Evaluate- ‘Murdock didn’t consider if other social institutions could perform the family functions’
His theory is not conclusive, as he did not test everyone. It cannot be said that this is the rule for all
Evaluate- ‘Murdock’s definition of family is too good to be true- it doesn’t acknowledge possibility of conflict or exploitation’
people can be unhappy in families and it ignores domestic violence in homes
men commonly abuse women, but more men than women don’t report it
Evaluate- ‘gay and lesbian households contradict Murdock’
still have sexual relations ad not have kids
still have kids and no sexual relations
Evaluate- ‘Sheeran (1993) says it’s female-carer core that is universal, not nuclear. societies with no male adult is common’
Doesn’t match, 40 years time society is different again
Society wouldn’t allow female dominance in the 1940s.
Evaluate- ‘Murdock argues that family is a universal institution, criticised by Stacey (2011)’
60 years later, critics can’t compare it.
What did Parsons do?
updated Murdock’s theory in1951
When was family life like in the two industrial eras
Pre industrial- extended families
Modern Industrial - nuclear families
What are some functions that families can perform?
welfare, military, political, religious
benefit society in some way
depends on social construction
What did Parsons argue
Modern western societies, state provided education could perform an economic function but the family still has two main functions
What were Parsons two functions- ‘The basic and Irreducible functions of the family’
primary socialisation
stabilisation of adult personalities
What is primary socialisation
internalising society’s culture by learning norms and values as society needs it
structuring of human personality as a culture. families are factories to produce human personalities
What is stabilisation of adult personalities
once created, must be kept stable, focus on marriage and emotional security. no security from extended family, couples look to each other. families act out own childish personalities
reasons for decline of extended family:
what is a geographically mobile workforce
people spent their whole lives on their own farms
modern society, people travel all over the country. people move to where their jobs are. families relocate
reasons for decline of extended family:
what is a socially mobile workforce
constantly evolving science and technology requires a skilled workforce. status achieved by effort and ability- not ascribed/ nuclear family is best to help with tensions at work etc
reasons for decline of extended family:
How does meritocracy affect the society
growth of meritocracy places emphasis on people less dependent on family help
reasons for decline of extended family:
how does the welfare state help society
people are now better off helped by the welfare state. less dependent on kin
reasons for decline of extended family:
how does support systems help society
lack of support strengthens marriage so family helps to be an intimate unit
reasons for decline of extended family:
How can economy help society
can cause conflict and distress because status positions can changes
Evaluate Parsons- not a functional fit between society and nuclear family
shows the decline in extended families
how parsons doesn’t see al types as his idea got more popular
What is the social exchange theory
the harsh conditions of the time, poverty, sickness, early death, no welfare state, means benefit of maintaining ties outweigh costs
Evaluate - social exchange theory
women agreed to take on the role to provide support as long as the man can provide cash. extended families are cheaper and easier to maintain, even if more tensions
Evaluate Parsons- extended family has not disappeared, as it functions for financial, emotional and child support
definition can change over time. grandparents are social care givers and still involved, just not living with anymore
Evaluate Parsons- accused of idealising family with a picture of a husbands and wives caring for each others every need. over optimistic
not all families are this happy
over optimistic
doesn’t fit the world
women work too and todays roles are different
Evaluate Parsons- based on an American middle class family, ignores differences on culture religion and social divisions
different cultures have different family roles
Evaluate Parsons- socialisation is a one way process, children pumped full of personality and culture
ignores two away relationship with parents
goes both ways
parents learn from kids the same amount
Evaluate Parsons- Giddens 1992 rigid family structures have declined , misguided to look for a single dominant structure
so many different styles and ways to be a family not just dominant form anymore
What is sexual division of labour
women have expressive personalities: provide emotional support and security
Men have instrumental personalities: breadwinners of the family. stress and anxieties that destabilise.
Evaluate Parsons- ignores key inequality for sustaining inequality in families
women work 24/7 as their job isn’t as bad
Evaluate Parsons- concentration on structure ignores meanings of family life inside
ignores family life and meaning
shows family means different to different people
What is Parsons Warm Bath theory?
Husbands of nuclear family comes home and needs a warm bath; metaphor for home and family eases and soothes stresse experienced at work. family is a release from every day life, helps to stabilise the personality
How did henry Ford use the warm bath theory
Only employed married men, they had warm baths at home to perform better at work
How do conflict theorists criticise functionalists
Whether family roles benefit all of society or just powerful groups within it
What does Marxist- Feminist Fran Ansley believe
women are ‘takers of shit’
men dump their stresses on wives
What is the main problem with functionalist theories
They are all outdated and the modern family life has moved on an improved onto new ideas