7. Digital Disintermediation Flashcards
What does disintermediation mean?
Removing the middleman from business transactions
What does intermediation mean?
Adds a middleman where a business has previously sold directly to customers.
Does disintermediation add or remove a dependency to the process?
True or false: disintermediation improves the value of an existing product or service?
Has the rise in digital banking created more or less demand for things like comparison websites?
More. Customers prefer platforms, aggregators, intermediaries and comparison sites due to their speed and transparency. Those banks not on comparison sites have seen a fall in profit margins.
What is an intermediary?
An institution that borrows money from surplus sector of the economy and lends to deficit sector,e.g. banks and building societies
What is digital disintermediation? Provide an example of this.
Where the real life intermediary (middle man) is replaced by a technological solution that acts as the intermediary within a transaction.
Example - Peer 2 Peer payments that make payments directly and don’t go through a MasterCard or via solution. This is better for customers as there is no payment fee.
What is digital intermediation? Provide an example of this.
Where a digital tech solution is injected into a transaction or process where there wasn’t an intermediary before.
This can be an additional layer added between either:
- the buyer and seller
- the customer and supplier
- the bank and customer
Examples - aggregator/comparison sites displaying providers and servicesm
- apple pay, adds a layer between the cardholder and providers
How do aggregator websites help the borrower? (3)
- Quicker - you get tailored results based on the data you input
- Cheaper - find better products through comparison, encourages competition which leads to better pricing
- Better products/services - the increased competition puts pressure on traditional banks to come up with new digital solutions
How do aggregator websites help the lender? (2)
1.By generating more leads which more than makes up for the extra fees they may need to pay.
- Helps to remove customers’ lack of trust in banks
What are the following examples of:
- funding options
- funding xchange
- British business bank
- federation of small businesses (FSB)
Successful aggregator sites which have loan comparison pages.
What is the British Business Bank?
Government owned economic development bank that has an aggregator function within it.
One of the only intermediaries that has traditional banks alongside new alternative lenders on the same platform.
How can a lender register with the British Business Bank?
Must be accredited by the bank as an add on to the accreditation that they have already received from the government
True or false: Clear score is an example of a digital intermediary
True. Uses data to match users with products best suited to them based upon their credit score.
What was ESME?
NatWest provided loans to businesses under the heating trading name of ESME (so that it was not subject to any negative associations with the NatWest name)
This is no longer trading, but shows that banks are now trying to step into the fintech loan industry and that we may see more of the traditional banks under new names on aggregator sites in future.
Which type of businesses say that they often feel left behind by traditional banks and therefore are more likely to use intermediaries and aggregators to find lender who don’t write it them off so easily due to perception issues?