7. Construction Tech Level 1 Flashcards
What is substructure?
All elements of work that are undertaken below the damp proof course that provides the basis for the
superstructure to be constructed upon.
What are the Building Regulations
Regulations that set out the minimum performance standards for the design and construction of buildings.
What are the approved documents?
A. Structure.-Provides guidance on ensuring that the structure of a building is robust and stable.
B. Fire safety. - Covers fire safety measures in buildings, including means of escape, fire resistance of materials and structures, and fire detection and alarm systems.
F. Ventilation. - Offers guidance on providing adequate ventilation within buildings to maintain air quality and prevent issues such as condensation and mold growt
H. Drainage and waste disposal. - Covers requirements for sanitation facilities, hot water systems, and water efficiency measures in buildings.
What is superstructure?
All internal and external works items above the damp proof course.
This is made up of:
o External walls.
o Stairs.
o Roof.
o Structural walls.
o Suspended ceilings.
o Raised floors.
What are the typical components of site investigations?
Their objective is to collect and record data to help with the design and construction process. This should include matters in relation to the site that may impact the development for example:-
o Boundary hedges & fencing.
o Existing trees.
o Size, depth and location of services including gas, telephone, electricity, water & drains.
o Existing buildings.
o Ground water conditions.
o Soil investigations.
o Trial pit information.
What is the purpose of soil investigations?
- Their purpose is to determine the suitability of the site for the proposed works and determine adequate and economic foundation design.
- The investigation should determine the potential difficulties associated with the ground conditions and assist with identifying a suitable foundation solution.
What are temporary works?
Temporary works do not normally appear on construction drawings but may be required depending on the construction methodology being used.
Temporary works may also be required as a result of health and safety requirements to ensure a safe method of construction
What temporary works are you aware of?
What is a scaffold?
- Scaffold is a temporary working platform erected around the perimeter of a building or structure to
provide a safe working place at a convenient height. - Scaffold is usually required for work 1.5m above ground level.
What is shoring?
- Shoring is a form of temporary support given to existing buildings.
- Its purpose is to provide a precaution against damage or injury due to collapse of the structure.
What is a borehole?
- Any shaft drilled into the ground vertically or horizontally
- A borehole can be used for soil investigation or for geothermal heating solutions.
- Boreholes are the most suitable method of soil investigation when foundations are over 3m deep.
What are piles?
Piles transfer loads from the structure to the ground, helping to support it. Pile foundations are often used where the ground is too weak to underpin the structure.
What are the different types of piles?
Sheet piles.
* Quite literally metal sheets are inserted into the ground vertically and concrete can be poured in.
* A deep trench is excavated and concrete is poured in situ.
* The piles can be used to form basement walls or act as retaining walls.
Bored Piles.
* Soil is exacavated vertically and then concrete is porued in. This can also be reinforced concrete.
Pre-cast piles.
* Piles are hammered into the ground. This is not often favoured due to the high noise levels associated with installation and the lack of flexibility in terms of depth required.
What is a strip foundation?
- Strip foundations are formed by creating a shallow continuous excavation to support the perimeter and internal walls.
What are the technical advantages of steel frames?
- Steel frames are often quicker to assemble in comparison to alternative methods.
- They are 100% recyclable and inorganic meaning they will not warp, split, crack or creep.
- They offer the highest strength to weight ratio of any building material.
- Steel frames are not vulnerable to termites or any type of fungi or organism.
- They are dimensionally stable and do not expand or contract with moisture or temperature changes.
- Due to strict manufacturing controls, consistent material quality can be obtained due to production
taking place in line with strict standards. - Steel is non-combustible so it will not contribute to the spread of a fire.
- Steel frames are lighter in comparison to concrete frames and will often benefit from a cheaper
foundation solution.