7. Aerodynamics Flashcards
V speed for best angle of climb?
How does frost affect performance
disrupts smooth airflow over wings, reduces lift, increases drag
What force provides the thrust in a glider?
As altitude increase, the indicated airspeed that the plane will stall at ?
Stays the same
How many feet will a glider sink in 15 nm with a glide ratio of 22:1
15 (6000)/22 = 4090
What do flaps do on approach & landing?
Steepens glide path without increasing airspeed
An increased loadfactor will increase/decrease stall speed?
Recovery from a stall requires?
Decrease angle of attack
In a spin to the left, which wing is stalled?
Both wings are stalled in a spin.
The angle of attack is defined as
Angle between the chord of the wing and the airflow
In severe turbulence, the pilot should maintain
Level flight
Spin vs spiral dive. Spiral dive =?
G load increases. Increase in airspeed & loss of altitude
How does weight affect stall angle of attack?
Stall AOA is unaffected by weight
Changes in the center of pressure of a wing affects the plane’s?
Aero balance and controllability
What speed represents maneuvering speed?
In sinking air it is most efficient to fly
faster than best L/D speed
4 forces acting on a plane
thrust, drag, lift, weight
How does ground effect affect the plane?
It reduces downwash from the wing which reduces drag. Plane floats
Wingtip vortices occur when?
When the plane is developing lift.
Wingtip vortices created by large aircraft tend to?
sink below the aircraft, causing turbulence
What effect would gusts and turbulence have on load factor of a glider with changes in airspeed?
Load factor increases with speed
How does the wake turbulence vortex circulate around each wingtip?
Outward upward & around each tip
Inherently stable plane will
require less effort to control
What type of stability does the horizontal stablilizer provide during flight
Airspeed to fly between thermals in a headwind
Best L/D plus half headwind
V speed for best rate of climb?
Greatest vortex strength occurs with what type of aircraft?
Heavy, slow, clean
The rate of turn at any airspeed is dependent on the
Horizontal component of lift
When are the 4 forces at balance?
level unaccelerated flight
In calm wind, the closest airspeed to ground speed is?
True airspeed
What is ground effect?
interference of the earth on the air flowing around the wing
Best glide speed will give:
Most ground covered
Wind condition that requires most caution when avoiding wake turbulence on landing?
light quartering tailwind
Where to land or take off to avoid wake turbulence
Landing = beyond landing other planes landing point
Take-off = Before other plane’s take-off point
The amount of excess load that can be imposed on a wing depends on ?
Speed of plane
Speed to fly to stay in the air the longest period of time?
Min sink
What is pilotage?
Navigation by landmarks
What is dead reckoning?
Navigation by direction and airspeed
When converting from magnetic to geographic heading add/subract westerly variation?
Subtract. Note that the question asks magnetic to geo. Not the typical geo to magnetic.
Vortac radials are given as (To/From) the vortac.
From. 090 = east
To 090 = west. To = thru center to other side.
When flying from a vortac and the deviation needle is deflected toward the right, what heading correction should be made to stay on that radial?
Turn toward the needle deflection. You are left of the radial.
Do Vortac heading questions in test