1. FAA Regulations Flashcards
Max blood alcohol level?
Where to find FAA circulars?
GPO Gov Publishing Office
Pilot credentials must be shown to?
FAA, NTSB, Local/State/Fed law enforcement,
Who has final authorization of aircraft?
Seatbelts req’d by pilot & crew?
T.O. & Landings
Seatbelts req’d by passengers?
Taxi, T.O., Landings
Number related to FAA advisories related to ATC?
ILS critical boundary sign indicates?
Border of ILS critical area
Who is responsible for pre-launch briefings?
Who is responsible for pre-flight inspection of plane?
When can a LAHOS command be voided?
Amended landing clearance or emergency.
Who can request LAHOS immunity?
Student pilots
When does an emergency deviation to a ATC instruction have to be reported?
within 48 hours if requested
Where can a restricted category aircraft not be flown?
Over a densely populated area
With regard to the cert of airmen what are the category of aircraft?
Plane, rotorcraft, lighter than air
What is ASRS?
Aviation safety reporting system.
What is rquired for airport SIDA clearance?
Airport issued ID badge.
Oxygen required when for pilot?
If between 12500 and 14000 MSL for more than 30 minutes. Any time above 14000.
Aircraft operating limits are found where?
Placards & aircraft operating manual
When can a drunk/drugged person be transported?
In an emergency or under medical care.
What is the minimum safe altitude except TO & landings?
High enough to make a safe landing in event of power failure.
What must be done for a NMAC near mid air collision?
Phone or radio nearest ATC asap.
Right of way? refueling, glider, airship
Bottle to throttle time?
8 Hrs
How soon after plane purchase does it have to be registered?
Most current FAA regs found at?
eCFR website
Min safe altitude over a congested area?
1000’ above & 2000’ radius
Min distance from person or object?
When must an emergency deviation from an ATC instruction be reported?
Within 48 hrs if requested
When is a parachute req’d for a pilot?
Plane pitching up or down 30 degrees.
Does a plane have to stop at a runway holding line on a taxiway?
Yes unless cleared by ATC. “Cleared to runway” = cleared
Def of nightime?
between evening civil twilight & morning civil twilight
If transponder is inoperative over class D airspace what should be done?
continue flight as planned
Cert of airmen -class of aircraft
SE, ME, Land, sea
Right of way - refueling, airship gyroplane,
Right of way - glider, balloon, distress
distress - balloon, glider
In flight emergency what must be done?
Deviate from FARs as necessary, no report
Registration expiration?
end of month 7 years as of Jan 23 2023
Cert of airmen - Category of aircraft
plane, rotorcraft, LTA, glider
How to determine currency of FAA pub?
Check rev vs. website
When can objects be dropped from plane?
No danger to property or people
What are ADs?
Airworthiness Directive - notify of dangerous condition and under what condition the aircraft can still be operated.
What is the number for FAA circular relating to airmen?
What is the visibilty req for Class D
3 miles ground
Cert of aircraft as it relates to classification of aircraft
plane, rotor, LTA, gliders
Period of hospitalization for serious injury category?
48 hours within 7 days of incident
What airspace is used to protect public officials?
TFR - temp flight restrictions
Where can experimental aircraft not fly?
Dense population & congested airway
Requirements to be carried on aircraft?
Airworthiness cert, registration, radio license for international, operating manual, weight and balance. ARROW
Visibility for Class E
Below 10000’ 3 - 1000 above
500 below 2000 side
Above 10000’ 5 - 1000 1000 1m