12. Operations Flashcards
ATC is unusually quiet and one of your VHF transmit lights is on. You suspect ?
Your VHF transmitter is keyed and you have a stuck microphone.
Glider wingman “Stop Operation’ signal ?
Crossing hands over head
Glider “Cut Throat” signal
Release tow rope or stop engine now
Pre flight action, all flights away from the vicinity of an airport shall include
alternate course of action if flight cannot be completed as planned
Adherence to check lists is the sign of a
disciplined and competent pilot
Where must weak link(s) be installed
One of glider and one on tow plane
When approaching a holding position sign for a ILS runway approach area you must
Hold when specifically instructed to by ATC. Note this is not crossing or getting on a runway. It is talking about the approach area for ILS flight
Corrective action if thermalling at min sink speed in turbulent air and the left wing drops while turning left
Lower the nose before applying opposite rudder
What is the best indication of a thermal?
SMOOTH cumulus clouds with concave bases.
Precaution when soaring in a dust devil
avoid the eye of the vortex
Black background with yellow numbers
On a runway
Scanning technique for traffic to the left and right in straight and level flight
Focus on different segments for short periods
1 second for every 10 degrees.
What does a dot mean between two numbers on a runway outbound destination sign
Separates multiple destinations having a common taxiway.
A line between the numbers indicates two different routes to take to get to one of two runways
Tunnel vision and cyanosis are signs of
Cyanosis = blue lips and fingertips
Red sign with white 4 - 22 on it
On taxiway hold sign about to enter an intersection of runway 4 - 22.
22 minus 4 = 18 so it’s one runway. not at 4 end or 22 end
These glider signals are
thumbs up, open palm, closed fist, circling thumb
Aero tow Pre launch signals
Advantage of using a CG hook for winch launch rather than a nose hook
A greater percent of the tow line can be used to reach altitude
Recommended procedure for entering a dust devil while soaring
Enter at or above 500’ and circle the edge opposite direction of rotation
Red background with white numbers 15 - 33
mandatory instruction sign
Departing behind a heavy plane, plane should
Above and upwind of the departing plane.
Upwind means a quartering headwind that will push the vortex away from flight path
take-off prior to other planes take off point
All inbound traffic to an unmanned tower should monitor traffic how far from airport
10 miles
Announce on CTAF 10 miles out, downwind, base, approach, clear of runway
Glider max winch tow speed = 73 Surface wind (direct headwind) = 11
Wind gradient = 6
When glider reaches 200’ AGL the winch speed should be?
73 - 11 - 6 = 56
56 - 5 (safety factor) - 5 (airspeed increase during climb) = 46
How aircraft preflight inspection be done for first flight of day?
Thorough and systematic per manufacturer’s recommendation
Expect ? with a downwind landing?
Overshoot touchdown point, faster ground speed, longer roll
Which condition would cause the altimeter to read lower than actual?
- lower than std air temp
- atm pressure lower than std
- air temp warmer than std
air temp warmer than std
Strength of tow line
80 - 200% of gross glider weight
What minimum upward current must a glider encounter to maintain altitude
Sink rate
Greatest vortex is generated when an airplane is
Heavy clean and slow
When approaching a runway with a VASI (visual approach slope indicator) the pilot shall ?
maintain an altitude at or above the glide slope.
Ideal = 2 red & 2 white
all red too low - all white too high
To use VHF/DF facilities for assistance in locating a plane’s position, the plane should have
VHF transmitter and receiver
Flight through a Restricted area should not be done unless the pilot has
received prior authorization from the controlling agency
Tow plane rocks wings =
Release immediately
Signal to tow plane to turn right
Veer off to the left to pull tow plane tail
What to do if too low on a cross county flight
Suitable area selected at 2000 AGL
Specific field selected at 1500 AGL
When ATC issues info related to 12:00 direction, he is referring to heading, ground track, mag heading
Ground track
ATC instructions “taxi to runway 16”. Where are you required to stop?
Proceed per the assigned taxiway and hold before crossing any other runways prior to entering runway 16
APPROACH Speed for safe off field landing
50% higher than stall speed plus half estimated wind gust.
Turn landing lights on when below 10,000 MSL and within X miles of any airport
10 miles of any airport not necessarily landing airport.
Day or night and also in low visibility
To cope with spatial disorientation , the pilot should rely on
proficient use of instruments
Glider signal to tow to reduce speed
No slow down
What transponder code should pilot avoid using
7500 highjack
7600 communication issue
7700 emergency
Most midair collisions occur during what type of weather
clear days in vicinity of navigational aids
What to do if rope breaks below 200 AGL
Land straight ahead or make slight turns to reach suitable landing area
What is assured if the pilot maintains proper glide slope
Safe obstruction clearance of obstacles in approach area
Plane is on final to runway 9. Where is plane in relation to the airport?
Glider signal that he is unable to release
move down to the lower left and rock wings
One method of finding thermals
look for converging streamers of dust or smoke
What is wing runner hold position signal
Arms straight out to the side
Take up slack
one arm moving from shoulder height to shoulder
How can a pilot locate bubble thermals?
Look for birds soaring in areas of intermittent heating
Entries into traffic pattern while descending create hazards and
should be avoided
Signal from tow plane that he cannot release
Fishtail of tow plane
Instrument approach zone marking
Black ladder on yellow. White “ILS” on red background
Most favorable thermals on cross country flights
Along thermal streets
Yellow demarcation line indicates?
A runway with a displaced threshold
When approaching a holding position sign for a runway APPROACH area you must
Hold when specifically instructed by ATC.
Approach area, not runway
If a large jet crosses your path 1 mile ahead what action should you take
Fly above his altitude to avoid wake turbulence