6. Maps Charts Flashcards
Info on parachute jumping can be found
Sectional chart supplement
Tower lights - solid green
In Air -Cleared to land. On Ground- Cleared for take-off, cross
Tower Lights - Flashing green
In Air - Return for Landing On Ground - Cleared to Taxi
Tower Lights - Steady Red
In Air - give way to other aircraft & continue circling On Ground - Stop
Tower Lights - Flashing Red
In Air - Airport unsafe do not land On Ground - Clear runway
Tower Lights - Red green
Use extreme caution
Tower Lights - Flashing white
Return to starting point at airport
“X” on runway means
Ruway is closed, Do not use.
Yellow background, black ladder symbol
Instrument approach clearance zone
What can be referenced to find airport signs and markings?
AIM - Aeronautical Info Manual
Black background with yellow number 22
On runway 22
Black background with yellow letter C?
On taxiway C
Red background, 2 white numbers?
Hold for Runway intersection of runway 4 / 22
Runways are numbered geographically or magnetically?
Airport beacon on during daylight hours means?
Class D airport is below VFR minimums
ATIS is continuous messaging of
non-control info in selected high activity terminal areas
Taxiway / taxiway hold line
Dashed yellow line on taxiway
TRSA provides
sequencing and separation of VFR flights