11. Instrumentation & Avionics Flashcards
Altimeter setting is the value to which the barometric pressure scale of the altimeter is set so the altimeter reads?
True altitude at field elevation
What is a consideration when using a hand held device for VFR navigation?
Position accuracy may degrade without notification
RAIM - Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring
In the northern hemisphere a magnetic compass will normally indicate a turn toward the south when
The plane decelerates
ANDS - Accelerate on east/west heading compass goes north
Decelerate on east/west heading compass goes south
Turning error
LAN compass lags when turning either direction with a north heading
LES compass leads when turning either direction with a south heading
What situation requires a ADS-B
Overflying a Class C airspace below 10,000 MSL
ADS-B out req’d
A, B, C airspace
Class B Mode C Veil 30 NM radius SFC to 10,000’
Class C In airspace up to 10,000 MSL at 10 NM radius
Class D Not req’d
Class E Above 10,000 MSL over land
3000 to 10000 to 12 NM off shore
Not Req’d
D & G
E < 10,000’
under shelves of C
“Direct To” button is used to
Find shortest direction to any point
A total energy variometer senses
Airspeed changes and nulls out altitude change due to ascending or descending.
Altimeter readings
Watch for difference between 9500 & 19500
Big = hundreds
Med fat = thousands
small skinny = 10,000
If it is necessary to change the Kollsman window from 29.15 to 29.85 what change occurs?
The indicated altitude will increase 700’
Raising the Kollsman window knob to a higher Pbar will increase the indicated altitude.
1” = 10000
If you are operating a GLIDER equipped with a 4096 code radar beacon transponder and not in contact with an ATC facility, what is the transponder code you should be operating on (squawking)/
1202 to differentiate glider
1200 = General VFR code used by airplanes and other powered aircraft.
7700 = Emergency code used by aircraft in distress
In northern hemisphere, if an aircraft is accelerated or decelerated, the magnetic compass will normally indicate
correctly on a northern or southern heading
A GPS with expired database may be used
under VFR for situational awareness
During flight when are compass indications accurate?
Straight & level unaccelerated flight
In the northern hemisphere, a mag compass will normally indicate an initial turn toward the west and then go back to the east if
A right turn is made from a north heading.
Glider is turning toward the east BUT the compass initially indicates west due to turning error lag.
LAN = compass lags on a northern heading
When activated an ELT emergency locator beacon will transmit on ? frequency on old models and ? frequency on new models.
406 Mhz for new models. Aircraft’s ID and location to satellite.
121.5 & 243.0 for older models. No aircraft ID
How many GPS satellites are req’d to yield a 3 dimensional position long, lat, alt and time solution?
3 for position + 1 for altitude
Deviation of a mag compass is caused by?
Certain metals and electronics in the aircraft.
Magnetic fields within the aircraft
What should be the indication on the mag compass when you roll into a standard rate turn to the right from a south heading in the northern hemisphere?
The compass will indicate a turn to the right (west) but at a faster rate than is actually occurring.
When must a request be made to the ATC when an aircraft is in class C airspace with an inoperative ADS-B out
at any time.
While operating under VFR below 18000 MSL in a glider, what transponder code should be selected?
1255 fire fighting
1277 safety and rescue missions
IF the pitot tube and outside static vents are clogged which instruments would be affected?
altimeter, variometer, airspeed indicator
Each person operating an aircraft equipped with a ADS-B Out must operate it in the transmit mode when?
At all time unless told not to by FAA or ATC
ADS-B broadcasts the aircraft’s
3 dimensional position and velocity
When an altimeter is changed from 30.11 to 29.96, in which direction will the indicated altitude change and by how much?
It will indicate 150’ lower.
If ATC advised that radar service is terminated when the pilot is departing class C airspace, the transponder should be set to code?
How many satellites make up the GPS system?
When flying west and the airspeed is increased with wings level, what will the compass indicate while the speed is increasing?
A turn to the north.
ANDS Accelerate skews to the north on a non north/south heading.
Accelerate north
Decelerate South
What type of ADS-B Out equipment is required for aircraft operating below 18000 MSL in Class C airspace?
1090=ES also known as a Universal Access Transceiver
In the northern hemisphere, if an aircraft is accelerated or deccellerated it will normally indicate correctly if on a ? heading
North or south
How do temp variations affect the altimeter?
High to low look out below.
Lower temps (lower pressure levels) will cause the indicated alt to be higher than true alt.
Higher temps (higher pressure levels) will cause the indicated alt to be lower than true alt.
When the course deviation needle is (CDI) is centered using a VOR test signal (VOT) , the OBS and the To/From indicator should read?
0 degrees FROM or 180 degrees TO regardless of the pliot’s position from the VOT
Test signal should be on the 0 degree radian
What FMS/GPS feature do you use for the closest airport?
What transponder frequencies should be avoided
7500 hijack 5 taken alive
7600 communication failure 6 in a fix
7700 emergency 7 going to heaven
Which airspace requires ADS-B Out equipment installed?
In Class G airspace within 25 NM of Class B airport ??????
Altimeter setting is the value to which the barometric pressure scale of the altimeter is set so the altimeter indicates?
True altitude of the airfield