6.5 Flashcards
Compton scattering
Effect where an X-ray deflected by interaction with an orbital electron has a longer wavelength than its initial wavelength. The electron is ejected from the atom at high speed.
Gradual increase in intensity
Attenuation coefficient
Constant used to calculate how the intensity of X-rays decreases as they pass through a material
X-ray images
X-rays can be transmitted, absorbed or reflected when passing through a material. Dark areas on an x-ray image show where x-rays are transmitted with no reflection or absorption
Computerised Axial Tomogrpahy
Process using multiple X-ray scans to produce images of ‘slices’ through the body in one plane, to produce a 3D image
Radioactive substance either ingested by or injected unto a patient. It emits gamma photons to be detected by a gamma camera
Gamma camera
Detects gamma photons emitted from a patient given a radioactive tracer. This is used to produce real time images of the path of the tracer through the body
A device for producing a parallel-sided beam of electromagnetic radiation
Material that produces many photons of visible light when struck by a high energy photon
Photo-multiplier tube
Device used to give a pulse of electrons for each incident photon
Positron Emission Tomography
use of gamma photons produced when positrons annihilate with electrons inside the body to map out biologically active area within the body
PET scan tracers
Radioactive material (often Fluorine-18) attached to a biologically active molecule. This molecule will go predominantly to areas in the body that use it specifically or in large amounts and so are highlighted when scanned
Longitudinal waves above the audible range of sounds
A device which translates non-electrical signal into an electrical signal and vise versa
Piezoelectric effect
Change in volume of a material when a p.d. is applied across its opposite faces. Alternatively it is the production of an induced e.m.f. when certain crystals are placed under stress